Oh!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope everyone has wonderful luck! ^.^
Oooh... today in english class we did calligraphy!(sp?)
It was pretty fun but I sucked at it, badly, so instead I started painting some flowers n' stuff.
The teacher got mad at me and told me to do my proper one then I can draw. Meany xp
Hmm, I also had gym and blah, blah, blah. Luckly I have no homework today! ^.^
Okay soo uhmm.... I seriously doubt anyone will ever read this but if you do then you
must either be just as bored/stressed as I am or you just care. hahaa, that'd be nice.
*yawns* Hmm.... I think I'm gonna name my journal something. It sounds demented but whatever.
Hmm..... maybe Neon.... Demon....Pheo.... Demi... Kris... Damn it! idk... 4 now it'll be M!n!M3.
Ok uhh Nighty Ny M!n!M3! whee blaugh sweatdrop rofl 4laugh xp xd mrgreen rolleyes heart
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Draw me? I tip n' might draw you, too. =]

X MuSiC Is nEvEr tOo mUcH X

X MuSiC Is nEvEr tOo mUcH X