You feel a chill down your spine, monsters lurk everywhere you turn, people dress in costumes, and people give out.... CANDY!

That's right! It's Halloween time. So everybody get your best costumes and get ready to trick-or-treat!!!
eek eek eek
um...unless you are TOTALLY NUTZ and decide to give out candy.... stare stare
then scare the trick or treaters out of their underwear with a trick Muhahahaha!! xd xd xd I can hardly wait, This is what I'm gonna be for Halloween:

YES! I'M GOING AS THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (My costume is gonna be awsome) this picture is from the movie "Phantom of the opera"(Which is the very movie that got me hooked on the phantom) Oh I'M JUST SO EXCITED!
From the Phantom of the Opera I heart the Phantom
Nakeria · Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 02:23am · 0 Comments |