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Diary of a [strike]mad black woman[/strike]crazy white kid just a blog i guess

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RPCs of mine.
I'm going to put my RP characters (and any avi art I get of them) here. ^_^ Some profiles will be more detailed than others. It depends on how I wrote them.

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Name: Ombra
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 1.83M (6'6" wink
Weight: 90.72Kg (200lbs)
Hair Color: Solid Black
Eye Color: Also Solid Black
Personality: Caring, honest(bluntly so), generous, mischievous, playful, insightful, over-protective, vengeful, hates prejudice, bigotry and stupidity. Very curious, introspective.
Short Bio: Ombra is a wealthy young man, well educated and bored with his life. He's living on his own now (and glad of it too!), having inherited a large sum of money from his late aunt Betsy. That part of the family always was a little odd in the head, naming a girl, "Betsy" of all things! What were they thinking? In any case, he liked her, she was a woman after his own heart. He is a skilled swordsman, artist and musician, as well as many other things. Unlike most of the people in his family, those ignorant, self-absorbed blowhards! He fancies a good challenge, is not afraid to play rough and can sometimes be a bit foul-minded, thanks to his Uncle.


Some Images to help describe him: This one by lady-cybercat on DA (I don't want to get in trouble for taking someone else's image)(This one is good for picturing how he would look with a human style body), this one (that one I just kinda liked, you can ignore it if you want), (these next three are all Wizards of the Coast figurines for D&D and other tabletop RPGs but I thought they might help establish a visual)this one, this one, this one, but they're mostly for a little bit of variation, I'd rather you think of this one and the first one when picturing my character.

GaiaName: IosefKoranison

Name: Lyran

Age: 20 (Approximately, though he won't tell anyone what age system he's using. He likes to keep people guessing.)

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: Yellow

Skin Color: Red scales/body, yellow scales/underbelly

Race(elvish, Dwarvish, Orc, Ariel, Draconic and human sad Draconic

Weapon(s sad Claws, tailspike, various body spikes, horns, flame breath and blades. If it's able to be acquired (and maybe even if it's not) you can bet he's got one of it. Though he prefers blades with curved edges and hooks and points. Go here and look around at all the different knives and swords they have to see what I mean (Especially since he has everything on there XD).

He has a customized bag of holding that allows him to hold as many as he wants, though he has to hold everything else normally. Pretty much any way of fighting that involves a blade. If someone knows a way of fighting that uses a blade and he doesn't know it, then that person is the only person who does. This guy knows his pointy things. A few regular martial arts, mid-level skill.

Class(Knight, Monk, Warrior, Fighter, Mage(or wizard) and Druid sad Uhh, I'm not sure. I think I'll need to edit this after I get some input on it from you guys. Knight, Monk, Warrior and Fighter all sound so similar to me. >_<

Spells(if any sad Nunchuk spells...bo staff spells...GOSH!(I didn't really like that movie. Too boring.) Seriously though, he knows a lot of different blade polishing spells and spells to keep his swords from breaking. Also a few to make them poisonous. And one that's permanent on every blade he has that makes the blade unable to be used without his permission. (Kind of like Thor's Hammer, anybody who tries to pick it up won't be able to lift it, he happened to bump into the god of war and he was the only mortal that knew as much about blades as he/she did! So they put it on all of them so nobody could steal them from him.)

Blade of the Gods: Fuses all of his blades into one and attacks the target. Guaranteed to kill almost everything. However use of this spell will leave him almost dead and too weak to fight for a very long time. So it had better kill the target. And a nameless spell that makes all his blades look like 1930s versions of themselves and start dancing around.

Element(If any sad Fire? He can do a little fire magic (like fire bending from Avatar when he fights), though not much.

Bio: Lyran was raised like any other draconic, though he doesn't remember much of his life. He doesn't really care about most of it. ((In reality he was an actual red dragon that a wizard wanted to have as a powerful servant so he was turned into a draconic, but the wizard messed up the spell and he ended up as a baby so he dumped the child with a clan of red draconics living in the mountains. He does love treasure, but not as much as the rest of his "family". He doesn't know the real story though. (Even if he did he wouldn't care. XD)

He's loved blades from the moment he was born. He brought an old rusty broken knife home one day and from then on he's collected them. When he started going to school (whatever kind of school they have in this RP XD) he made sure to get the highest marks possible so he could focus on learning more about blades. Anything that had to do with blades. He also loves many other things, as he discovered in his many classes. But his primary concern is blades and fighting. Most people think see him and think he's a typical fighter type. But he's actually well-versed in many topics.

When he was old enough he left home to continue his quest to learn all he could about blades. He's been all over the world collecting them and studying about them, though in his zeal to know all he could, he ended up losing most of his sanity and now he loves anything that others consider scary. He has many perverse interests, and multiple senses of humor. He's unpredictable, like the letter x in algebra, he could be all sorts of things.

Clothes um...a black leather outfit seen here with a crimson flame pattern made to look like his arms are actually on fire. Black leather pants, black boots, black gloves. And he does have wings.

Another description I have of him which provides some more detail for some of his aspects: "He was six foot, six inches tall with a three foot long tail and a wingspan of fifteen feet. His scales were ruby red except for his chest and belly which were yellow. On his head were long spiky horns. As well as spikes that went down his back and tail. His eyes were golden with a black slit down the middle, like most other draconics. He had seven inch long retractable claws on his hands, capable of slicing through bone with ease. He wore black leather boots, black pants that had a flame pattern covering the legs and a black leather gambeson which had a flame pattern on the arms. There was a small brown leather pouch on his belt which he kept all his various weapons in. He could summon them to his hands at will, though he appeared unarmed."


Name: Iosef Koranison(Pronounced ee-yo-seff. Though don't put much emphasis on the ee part. Kor is like the core of a planet. An is like Ann the name. Is is like the word is except it's a soft s sound instead of the z sound. Son is like the sun or my son.)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Hazel
Personality: Very curious, really smart, random, likes messing with people and also helping others. Often forgetting to take care of his own needs. Hates taking showers and mornings.
Short Bio: Iosef is a smart kid, he grew up pretty much like everyone else, school, all that stuff. Although at home it was a different story. His parents were abusive psychopaths. Starving him, forcing him to do all kinds of insane labor, beating him and much worse. So when he was 13 he just packed up what little he had and took off. They didn't care either way. He lived on the streets for a few years, picking up programming and hacking skills here and there. He would steal, work and do whatever he had to to get money and food. He slept where he could, showered when he could, ate when he could. Not the best life but he got by.


Picture: [link]
Name: Ombra
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 1.83M (6'6" wink
Weight: 90.72Kg (200lbs)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Gray, stormy like the seas.
Personality: Mysterious, deep, tortured. At least, deep down. Around other people he's casual, gentlemanly, sometimes a bit flirtatious if a man or woman catches his eye. He has a fierce temper, but only for those who do wrong by him or his crew, friends, that sort of thing. He has a soft spot for cute things, and if you have something cute or around him his personality flip flops on his side and he goes absolutely ga-ga over it.
Short Bio: Not much is known about this steamy, stormy, pirate. Like many pirates, his origins are pretty much unknown. Parents, home, family, all lost in the ports of the world. One unique feature of his, however, is his sword and the metal claws he wears on his left hand, rather than a hook, like a lot of pirates. The blade of his sword glows a faint blue, and the handguard is red and blue, shaped like the waves. Deep blue where it meets the blade, and red like the sunset at the base. With the wave tips colored silver.


Lyran Ragnor

            Also Called: He gets called all sorts of things; Slim. Tall, dark and let's go somewhere private. Emo boy. Goth boy. Lyrant (like tyrant, it was a joke by one of his old friends). Trogdor(Burnination!). Ragdoll. Dracul(which means dragon or devil in Romanian).
            Age: 18
            Sexuality: If he's single, he finds you attractive, and you get along and maybe form a relationship he doesn't really care what you are.
            I'm part of the: Don't really care for all that clique business. I'm part of the me clique.

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            Look at my sleeve, that's where you'll find me.
            Lyran is fairly outgoing. He likes to make friends and won't hesitate to say hi to you if there's something about you he finds interesting or fun. He's very artistic, he loves all kinds. He considers all life and reality to be some form of art. Be it beautiful, twisted, poor, or just plain. All his emotions are strong and right out there for everyone to see. Do not ******** with people he cares about. Do not ******** him over. If you do you will regret it. He may seem okay with it, he may say he forgives you, but eventually there WILL be vengeance. He's into a lot of different things, and fairly good at a few of them. Walk up and say hi, introduce yourself. You'll find out.
            Do you really know me at all? Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?
            If you ask Lyran about his past he'll probably act like he didn't hear you. Or change the subject. If he has to talk about it, then he will. He had a fairly normal life. Nice parents, slightly rocky marriage. Older brother who he fought with quite often but got along well with. Nice size house in a rural area. Lots of forest and dirt roads. When he was 17 he was out driving with some friends when he got a call from his uncle. There had been a forest fire and his house was right in its path. His family was inside. It looked like they were all asleep, so he prefers to think they went peacefully. But at night he hears their screaming in his dreams, tormenting him. Unable to tolerate the shock and misery of living with anyone connected to his old life he moved up to Washington to a nice sunny town on the coast. Yeah I know, emo whiny blah blah. He doesn't care what people think. He just wants to move on and forget.
            He likes wearing a lot of black. He doesn't seem to mind the heat or the cold. Usually it's black pants, black shirt, black long-sleeved trenchcoat and shades. They don't quite cover his eyes though. His hair is varying shades and colors of red, when the light hits it from different angles it looks like it's on fire. People always want to touch it so he keeps it in a ponytail. It goes about halfway down his back. He likes music, science, videogames, anime, swords, and fire. Well, he likes a lot of things. But those are some of them. He can speak a few words of Spanish and Japanese but usually doesn't because he's a bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes he will randomly break into song in public, even dancing around a bit. He loves humor. He's a gentleman pervert. He'll only do or say perverted things if it either doesn't bother you or you like that kind of thing. He has a large dragon tattoo that covers almost his whole body, spreading from his back up his neck and on to his arms and legs. It's crimson, like the color of blood except for the claws on the dragon hands and at the tops of his wings (which are right at the top center of his shoulders), where it's bone white. The back portion is like what a humanoid dragon's back would be, and the wings go out and twist around his arms. The rest of his arm is like dragon's arms up to his wrists, where it looks like his hands come out of the middle of the dragon's hands. So that the claws are holding onto his wrists. It actually goes down his behind, front(the front part hurt a lot if you know what I mean D: ) and legs as well. With the tail of the dragon twisting around his left leg and his whole feet tattoed to look like dragon's feet. His front is a lighter red color with only a few scattered scales tattooed here and there. He wears a necklace that has a miniature celtic broadsword hanging from it with a dragon curled around it. The hilt of the sword has a ruby set in it as well as the dragon's eyes. He's a quarter Scottish, a quarter Norwegian, and half romanian. What a mix, huh? Also, he's 6'2" and fairly strong. Gentle giant type. He knows a lot about his different ancestors, including spending some time with his families learning all sorts of things. Mostly things about the cultures. Ask him and find out.



Lord Zebulon Octavius Byron

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    Username :: IosefKoranison
    Name :: Lord Zebulon Octavius Byron
    Species :: Vampire
    Gender :: Male
    Likes :: Money, food, people(Human or Vampire), games, music, art, etc.
    Dislikes :: Snobs, bigots, racists, idiots, irrational hatred, too much emotion.
    Love interest :: None at the moment
    Alignment :: Rogue, formerly a Count
    Biography :: He was born in the year 1645. His family was a wealthy one, they were cousins of the queen as well. He was always very intelligent and his education and school marks reflected that. He was always taught that less wealthy people or people of a lower class were inferior to him and that he should ignore them. He never listened to this, however, as he cared about everyone. When he was around 18 he was out strolling through the foggy streets of London when he was grabbed from behind, there was a sharp pain in his neck and then he blacked out. When he woke up he was in an alley and his clothes were dirty. His head was aching worse than it ever had and when he looked at the sunlight the pain intensified to an insane degree. When he tried to walk out into it...well let's just say he knew now what had happened. He was one of them. Obviously he couldn't go back to his family, so he waited until night and began a search for food. He didn't want to have to kill anyone, so he looked for people who looked like they were already dying or wished they could die. Eventually, he was approached by a member of the Royal Family and he joined their ranks. He was able to obtain(steal) his share of the family fortune, and get himself a nice home in the forest. After a few hundred years, though, he realized these people were just like his family. Rich, elitist, jerks. Not long after he left them, he heard of a group that was made up of Vampires and Humans alike. After some searching, he managed to find them, this was around the 1900s somewhere. He's been with them ever since.
    Abilities :: Extremely versatile shapeshifting, for example, he can look like a man or a woman, little kid, giant bat, animals, objects, etc. His organs match whatever he shifts into, except his brain.
    He can read minds and emotions and, to some degree, put thoughts in other people's heads. But he can't control them. It's more like a suggestion.
    And third, he can move extremely fast. There's been times when he has outrun a car going at speeds exceeding 70 miles an hour.
    Weapon :: He doesn't often need a weapon, thanks to his speed and shapeshifting abilities. But when he does, he has two custom-made Katar on his forearms. He wears them at all times, but the blades are retractable. Each one has two small blades that project out at forty-five degree angles and one long blade that comes out of the middle.
    Other :: He wears a lot of black clothes, chains and buckles. His eyes are yellow and his hair is also black. He has an eyepatch from when he was young and he was playing with some other wealthy children. One of them threw a rock at him and it took out his eye. He usually has a pair of bat wings coming out of his back. They match his size. He's a very calm, rational type of person.
    Roleplaying Sample :: (Name, I'll figure out what to call him...I promise XD) looked around, sniffing the air and listening for any sound that would give away his quarry. "Come out, come out, wherever you are..." He thought to himself as he stealthily crept through the forest. As he looked back and forth, he spotted a flash of color amongst some bushes. It was barely visible and he was careful to only look at it in passing, but it was there. He continued moving slowly through the forest, going past the bushes, his senses fully alert. Just after he passed the spot where he'd seen the color he heard a very faint sigh of relief. Turning suddenly, he jumped through the bushes, tackling the person behind them and pinning himm to the ground. As he looked down at the man with a fierce look of triumph on his face he said, "Tag! You're it!"


Age:Approx. 18-19



Hair:Brown/Dark Blonde

Race:Wolf Demon (I believe that's the correct term :S Like InuYasha)


Special Features ( Tail's, Scars, Tattoo's and such sad Well when he's in full or part-way wolf form he has ears and a tail and if he's full wolf form he's got fur all over and ears a tail and paw-like hands and well...paw-like feet.

Weapons: Claws, teeth, enhanced speed and strength b***h. D:<

Power Level( Equal to? No need for numbers since I don't understand them lol sad That's for like DBZ and stuff right?

Skills: Uh...He can cook, clean, and basically do everything that someone living on their own for most of their life would be able to do. Enhanced sense of smell, excellent tracking abilities, (of course), Dexterious, (Really good with his fingers and hands), smart.

Attacks: Um...Claw attack? Bite? Pfft, I dunno. None.

Bio / History: Born in...well the country was never established. Lived with his mother, (also a Wolf Demon[?]), until he was 3 when the villagers discovered that they weren't human and they all formed a mob and went to kill his mother and him at their house on the outskirts of the village. They killed his mother and beat him severely then left, Thinking them both dead. The next thing he knew he woke up in the forest far away from his house covered in blood with his clothes torn and in rags. He realized that he had killed them and was horrified. After that, he lived in the house until he met Sara, (My friends Character in the RP, it was just us two. Her character was a neko and somewhat afraid of me at first.), while he was out walking in the winter. She actually saw him and followed him for a bit before he noticed. They bonded and while they were walking and talking they heard men shouting and running their direction in the distance. They ran for a while then hid under a rock, ended up having sex while under said rock, and kept going to avoid the hunters. They stayed at his place, fought some hunters, decided to leave his house for safety and went to where she used to live and fixed up the place. I think I missed a few months or weeks somewhere in there but I know it would be sometime after the rock because when they were fixing up her place she told him she was pregnant and they promptly had sex right there on the floor, (Frisky aren't they?). They lived in comfort, (and in more ways than one if you know what I mean), and had a daughter, Asuka. When Asuka was a few months old, Iosef came back into the house after being out hunting to find the house strangely quiet. He went upstairs and Sara was in Asuka's room, being held there by the man who was responsible for the hunters from before. Iosef chased the man and sadly lost control and horribly mutilated him, planning on leaving him alive that way but Sara was horrified and told him to kill the man and end his suffering. So Iosef killed him, (at this point I forget what happens exactly but something made Iosef lose it again and he ran out into the forest and Sara ran and hid somewhere else in the forest. Eventually he went back to the house and things were fine. Iosef and Sara had talked about the man some, but not really anything specific because it was too traumatic for her. But he knew enough to make him hate the guy enough to lose control like he did and kill him, (When he loses control he goes into a form that is like his full wolf form only more beast and less human). In case you're wondering, the guy, (I forgot his name I'm sorry crying )raped and abused her. I think he tortured her too but I forget. He also made her his slave. And it was for many years as well. So you can see why Iosef reacted that way. After that the RP wound down. They ended up having another kid named Kai, and I remember that the last thing that happened was them going to sleep after having, (oh I bet this is a big surprise), sex. I'm pretty sure that's all of it. And if you haven't gotten this already, they tended to have sex alot. Oh wait I forgot! Near the end Iosef's long lost brother, Iorek showed up but that didn't really go anywhere. I still thought I should mention it though. Feel free to ask questions, though I might not have an answer as I don't think the limited memory of the mail system on the site this took place, (gaiaonline), will still have the PMs. But I'll be sure to do my best. I hope this is a good Bio, and if I think of any other charas I want to use I'll be sure to post their Bio's too. *story update* For the purposes of using this character the way I want in an upcoming RP I need to change this bio. So, one day not too long after they fell asleep^ (I'm going to say that Iorek didn't show up lol), Iosef was walking back from hunting when he smelled smoke. He panicked and dropped the deer and ran back to the house to find their bodies gutted outside the house and it looked like they had been tortured, and the house burned to the ground. He could feel the rage building inside him but he knew that he had to keep control if he wanted to
track the hunters. So he sat down and meditated for awhile until he was in control then he stood up and began sniffing for the scent of the people that did this. He eventually found and followed it into a part of the forest he hadn't been to.
((The stuff in red was on there but I didn't know if I should delete it or not...I mean it's kind of an add on but I don't know if I want to keep it on there or not. Also this bio is majorly incomplete. I need to get some more information on this guy. I wonder if I can get something from the friend I did the RP with. Maybe she remembers things I don't? I duno.))


GaiaName: IosefKoranison
Character: Ombra
Species: Human of sorts.
Gender: Male
Status: (vampire hunter, witch anniliator, phyic, ect)Reformed Dark Assassin
Power(not physical abilities sad Shadows, darkness, such as traveling through shadows, turning into smoke (black of course) at will, able to hypnotize most people except for those with strong minds and most werebeings, extremely difficult to kill, heavily vulnerable to light things and holy things etc.
Shift: None I think.
Abilities: 3rd level blackbelt in various martial arts, trained in gymnastics, highly skilled in most forms of hand-to-hand combat, weapons, etc.
Hair: None, back before he changed...blonde.
Eyes: Black/none
Skin: Black.
Bio: Father was a martial artist, he joined an Assassin's Guild at a young age, having a talent for the more destructive martial arts. When a rival guild killled his father and others close to him he was approached by one of his Guildmates about some dark magicks that could maybe bring him back. Before long, he'd sold half his soul, and most of his body to to the darkness. He found himself doing worse and worse things, each time his "friend" promising to tell him how after the next job. One day, he realized the man he just killed was the father of a man just like him. Horrified, he walked away and never looked back. Since then he's spent his time trying to make up for all the atrocities he's committed, and trying to regain at least some part of his former self.
Oh and he carries around a large shuriken, two medium size katars and a Katana he received from his Father which he keeps with him at all times, allowing no-one to touch it but himself and never letting it go from his side. Touch it and whatever part of you touched it will be separated from your body, a habit he still hasn't been able to break from his old ways.


((I'm going to try and make a few avatars that look kind of like how I picture him. Just to give an idea at least. Also for reference, I'll make the avatar of his old form, as he'll use that sometimes. And check page 36 of Supernatural for a description..anyway. Here you go.
GaiaName: IosefKoranison
Character: Ombra
Species: ??? (Was human, now he's....Unknown. Being of darkness. ???)
Gender: Male
Status: Fully transformed into a being of the darkness and evil. Looking forward to what happens next with Midnight and Jade
Power: Dark magic, black magic, blood magic, evil magic, etc.
Shift: Can go non-corporeal (smoke or shadow), can appear as his old self.
Abilities: Control over shadow, black fire, summoning low-level demons, traveling through shadow, enhanced strength, speed, hearing, sight, etc, ((He can do all sorts of crazy s**t, but he has to call on the big wigs downstairs to unlock his abilities. Otherwise he might upset the balance of things.))
Hair: None
eyes: Blood red, always on fire.
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This is an approximation of him when he's in a more powered-up state. Not completely though...just like really strong.
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This is an approximation of him after the transformation with his new cloak on.
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And here is an approximation of the old Ombra from before. I'll work on getting a picture as well.*update as of 10/3/2011 I have lost those three tektek avatars somehow. D smile )


Race: Zioxan - Naga

Age: 23 (Thought he doesn't remember how old he is, he stopped caring long ago and eventually forgot because of it XD)

Skills: Asmodeus is a master of stealth. He has to be, given his size and appearance. Whenever he moves his scales grind and scrape against any surface he moves over if he's not careful. He's learned how to slither in such a way that this doesn't happen and he does it automatically. Around other people this, along with his seeming lack of emotion causes him to appear creepy. Often he will seem to appear from nowhere. He uses large knives, small knives, daggers and anything that can be deadly but not too heavy to carry. Combined with his stealth and natural snake-life reflexes he can quickly move in and stabe a target or slit their throat. He prefers to avoid open battle.

Appearance: Fierce, sharp, almost angular facial structure. Somewhat diamond-like head shape. Long, thin ears tapering to a point. Kindof like Link's ears. His right ear has a small piece bitten off, making a C shape in the lower half of his ear. Black spiky hair, (think Cloud/Goku/Vegeta/generic anime protagonist/antagonist lol) Extremely pale, but human skin with occasional patches of reddish black scales on the arms and torso. It's not exactly white skin, but there's almost no color to it at all. And what little there is has more of a grayish tint. Left n****e is gone, replaced by a small, jagged scar. (It was bitten off). He wears a long, ratty, worn, black leather trenchcoat. Underneath it he conceals many knives and daggers and such on his torso and wrists.He's fairly thin and wiry in the chest and arms, but what muscle he has is strong when he's properly nourished. His arms are about two and half feet long. At about waist level his skin gradually transitions into scales, starting out red and quickly changing to solid black. His lower half, tail, trunk, whatever is about 20 feet long. Black, with faded red stripes at regular intervals along the back, like a rattlesnake or other patterened snakes. Scars can be seen in various places, evidence of bites and bullet wounds, some cuts and scrapes from blades. And a couple places where small chunks are missing, it's difficult to tell what caused them. He doesn't remember.

Height: From the waist to the top of his head is about three feet.

Weight: When healthy his total body weight is about 500 pounds. Right now it's more like 380-420.

Personality: I'm not really sure what his personality is like, to be honest. I kind of make characters in my head and let them tell me. At this point, he's been on his own so long, he kinda stopped caring about himself or anyone else beyond basic needs and instinct. So he's kinda forgotten how to feel. Doesn't know how he would react to people. But I think if he were to be around people, at this point he'd come across as aloof, somewhat apathetic, tired, bored, that kind of thing. Almost like Eeyore, without all the moping. XD

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