A'Kira Spirit

Age: Fifteen
Race: Necromancer(Haunted)
Personality: A'Kira was an emotionless girl, with no feelings whatsoever at the surface. Some prodding drew forth fear, when she saw her haunting spirits, and others drew confusion. She was capable of feeling, but it took much to bring it out.
Sexuality: Straight Either, Virgin
Past: A'Kira didn't remember much before when the spirits started to haunt her. She had had a family, but she didn't remember them. She could only remember being alone.
Written description: A'kira was 4'9, bone pale. Her hair is nondescript brown, with one white strip on the right side of her face. One of her eyes was white, the other crimson, though they would usually be covered by a blindfold so she would not see her spirits.
Powers: She could raise the dead, control vampires and sap teh life-energy from anyone.
Characters seen with: Thorne Sirey
Song: Numb, Linkin Park
OverlordLunacy · Sat Jun 06, 2009 @ 12:07pm · 0 Comments |