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View User's Journal

The Ups and Downs of my Life.
Everything from Art to Zucchini. Yeah... my crappy life has zucchini in it. So what?
~About Me!~

Eye Color: Hazel, they change frequently
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'5 1/2
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Band: Nightcore
Favorite Movie: Van Helsing
Favorite Show: Uhm... I don't really have one
Grade: Goning into 8th

~Have you ever?~
Sat on Your rooftop?: Nope
Kissed someone in the rain?: Nope
Danced in a public place?: Yep
Smiled for no reason?: Mhm.
Laugh so hard you cried?: Of course
Peed your pants after age 8?: Shut up about that... >.> I was laughing
Written a song?: Mhm
Sang to someone for no reason?: No o__o
Performed on a stage?: Yes xP
Talked to someone you don't know?: all the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Hellz no .____.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: not in 8th grade yet
Been in love?: Define love.

~Who was the last person to?~

Say HI to you?: Uhm... I can't remember
Tell you, I love you?: My mom xDD
Hug you?: My sister o____o
Tell you BYE?: Dunno
Take your photo?: Connie
Buy you something?: My mom - She buys me food :]
Sing to you?: No-one.
Text message you?: Brittany

~What's the last~

Time you laughed?: Awhile ago.
Time you cried?: Months ago - 1o drops :] I count 'cause it's a rare event
Movie you watched?: Ice Age 2 : The Meltdown - I was bored
Joke you told?: Idk .___.
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now.
Drink you've had?: Peach Flavored Fruit Shake
Book you've read?: The Sight
Food you've eaten?: Granola Bar
Flavor of gum chewed?: Polar Ice
Thing you've said?: "Uhhh..."

~Can you?~

Write with both hands?: Sorta
Whistle?: Yep
Blow a bubble?: Yup
Roll your tongue in a circle? Mhm.
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Almost >.<
Dance?: I guess...
Gleek?: Wtf is that? o. 0
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Duh
Speak a different language?: I speak some Spanish and a bit of Japanese.
Impersonate someone?: Easily
Prank call people?: Yup
Make a card pyramid?: They always fall, but yeah
Cook Anything?: Tons o' things.

lat's get 'em.[/align:3f2642c2ef]