 I'm A Tea-Pot I Was Given This Name Elizabeth.Rose.Hawes On The Streets I'm Called Lizzy I Gifted Me Parents On This Faithful Day August 23, 2002 Making Me Seven You May As Well Know That I'm a real fun kid to be around. I love to be bouncy and joyful, and I hate being sad. Being sad is just, well, sad! I'm kind of loud, but I've been working on it. I can have a bit of an attitude and be bossy, but I mean, hey, give me a break. After all, I'm only seven. My older siblings have worse attitudes than I do. You Should Know This Too So, lucky me, I was born the youngest girl in my family. Along with being one of the youngest, comes the bullying and being picked on by my family. Also, they protect me too. It's a love hate thing, I think.
Anyways, my life has been really normal and kind of uneventful. I was in a really bad car accident before. I broke my arm and have a scar and had to wear a cast, but that's all it is now. Oh, but because of it, I'm terrified of monster trucks. That is, unless I'm with my mom, dad, or older brother, Sam. I Love It! -Butterflies -Bright Colors -Music -Dancing -Singing -The new little baby on the 2nd floor -Older Siblings Uh, I Hate It! -Needles -The Dark -Clowns -Dogs -The Ocean -The Hospital -Being All By Myself Shhh! Don't Tell A Soul! Hm... I don't have any secrets. I Guess You Should Know I really, really like playing with the baby. I'm Bunking With The Hawes I Love And Hate My Job Youngest Daughter Behind The Mask I'm Just A Normal Person WhO aM i ReAlY
Jayybirrd · Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 04:39am · 0 Comments |