things I love!!!!!!!
animals!!, polar bears heart heart heart heart , squirrels, candy, strangers, nice people, shiney stuff, music, hearts, love, smiley faces, my friends, my mom, Gaia!, texting, video games, standing out, high heels, chocolate, chocolate kisses, presents, dressing up,Falll out boy, Robert Pattinson!!!! heart heart heart , people who tell me I am pretty, people who tell me I am smart and mean it , clean teeth, kitties, kittens, puppies, cute animals with big eyes, people who are funny, hugs!!!, art, singing, rainbows, the stars, beaches, recycling, the ocean, romantics, good movies, warmth, snow!!!!!!, snowdays!!!, electricity, my dad, my sister, my kitty harry potter!!!!!!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart ,twilight saga (books), the book speak!, any good book, hot chocolate, fuzzy slippers, cute guys(in hollywood!!!!! lol) ,magazines, good advise, oversized robe, fans, fireworks!, rockets(as long as I dont have to build the dang thing!!!!!!!!), mortal kombat the game, ramdonness, getting to spell things my way(fiqs{fish})lolz......, flowers, sweet little kids, nice people, the drummers, make up, eyeliner, swiming, water, skipping stones, heart shaped rocks, dancing under the moon, macorini n cheese!!!!!!!!!, bright colors!!!!, british accents!!, the sme of popcorn, wolves, vampires, gettingto bite / stab people, mtn dew!!!!, vault!,sugar, being hyper, pizza, being a veggitarian!!! heart heart , people who can dance hot!!, star trek!, princesses!!, me as a princess!!!!!....,sneakers, shy guys, poems, writting, ice cream, fuze, feeling six-and-a-half, christmas, halloween, easter, holidays, the scar on my wrist, not falling up, crazy people, pancakes, breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast,candles, pandas, go carting, painting, goofing off, water slides, and mexican food, going to the park, hiking, thinking, and talking, bubbles, lightsabers, people who dont make fun of me, long baths,stuffed animals, the sound quach, the letter q, sticking my head out an open car window...., acting like a kitty,tirias!, flea markets!,swimming in the rain,the smell of popcorn, and many many many more
PrincessGamma · Sun Jul 12, 2009 @ 05:53am · 0 Comments |