"Oh, Hello, My Name Is" Shawn Alexander
"What I'd Prefer to be called?" Shawn
"My personality? Well, Here's the best I can Explain it I guess.." I'm really rather shy. I don't like being around a ton of people, but I can't stand being alone. I'm not boisterous... ever. I'm so reserved, my parents and family can't even get me to talk sometimes.
"Do I have any likes and dislikes? Of course! Doesn't everybody? So Basically, I really like" thunder storms, music, guitar, piercings, and girls. And pretty much hate silence, needles and blood (I know, ironic), and little fuzzy footballs that people think are dogs Those.
"Who's name makes me blush?" Jaycee
"When i look in the mirror.." 
"Well basically, my life Goes a little like this" I was raised by my uncle and aunt, my parents both in jail. I know, depressing, but it doesn't bother me. I've grown up with my aunt and uncle being my parents, so I really call them mom and dad. In truth, I've never even met my real parents, and I don't want to.
My 'parents' are very free-willed. They're the kind of people that say "Don't let the man keep you down!" I love them with all my heart. I can't believe I'm leaving them.
"What! There's nobody In charge of me! Well, I guess if you count" WhO aM i ReAlY I guess there is someone in charge..
Jayybirrd · Sun Oct 04, 2009 @ 05:18pm · 0 Comments |