Here is a character I'm making for Bakugan related RP. Her name is Nori Ryu

She is a unique brawler. Often very strong and can take anything. A lot of times she keeps to herself. She battles both Aquos and Darkus and puts her skills and strategies to good use. When battles become desperate, she gets really tough and tries all she can to win. She is a fierce brawler. Her main Bakugan is Darkus Preyas Angelo and Diablo. They are also her guardians. She likes battling with Elfin, Preyas, and Juggernoid for her Aquos bakugan. For Darkus she uses Angelo/Diablo, Midnight Percival, and Delta Dragonoid. She is mostly found either reading a book or drawing alone. She feels lonely a lot and she hides her true feelings from her friends. ((Why do I make such emo people??))
Anyways when I RP I use this format
I may look weak...
Text Goes Here!!!!!
 Preyas Text Here!!!!
But that doesn't mean I'm a weak brawler!
Magsnetic_Huxling · Fri Oct 09, 2009 @ 12:01am · 0 Comments |