Luna Maru-despite the name his a guy,hes very shy but a very good and loyal friend..very protective of neo & san.Released Maru
-marus released state

Saru-unity form of san and maru

Ren the Genius-Smart,wise,funny he love inventing and helping ppl.bff's with mika and is sans older bro.

Snowlove Mika-layback samurai she spends most her time hanging with ren in his lab,a bit lustful shes easy to get along with.

Elizabeth the Cat-One of the newest member of Seal shes shy but very sweet....also it seems she has a major crush on Seth and San<3

Yajoroba [seth]-new member of seal.gun expert and skilled with explosives.-neo- he so likes elizabeth -seth- o///o -elizabeth- o///o -both- shut up neo! O/////O

Mana and Taru -Mana is maru's lil sis and taru named after her big bro maru is manas bff and pet.Taru is beyond protective of mana and if angered can tranform into a hell wolf with super human powers.

Howling Mana-mana and taru's untity form

Lizzy of the forest-shes kind and shes bff's with kimmy shes the owner of the cafe in the Seals base.

Burnheart Kimmy-shes calm and mellow.Bff's with lizzy.Also runs the cafe with lizzy.

Arthur the beast master-kind,gentle,lover of animals.hangs with neo mostly but has been known to be found in the Cafe eating with san and maru.

Rei the neko
-cute,nice,....lazy hes chills with neo alot but perfers to be alone and sleep.Kuro Rei
-the form rei takes when he summons his mask of the shinigami.

Royal Knight-they r the basic protecters of Wilson Town a town near Seal's base.

Shadow-evil dark creatures that live to eat souls,hearts,& sanity of ppl.[
first row]-basic shadows,[second row]-evolved shadows,[third row]-shadows that can think on there own,[final row] shadows that have become complete form eating millions of souls and heart,very strong,very dangerous,they are the strongest breed of shadows.

Ryo-one of the Dark Knights that lead the Shadows.hes cold & ruthless but protects Princess Chi,the Dark King's Daughter.

Princess Chi-cute,innocent......deadly. oddly has fallen for crow & wants him to be her husband and the father of her first child -chi-i love u my crow <////< -crow- o////o -neo- HELL NO CROWS MINE!!!! -crow- o///o -chi- mine! -neo- mine! -crow- o////o -other guys- crow u lucky b*****d <.< -crow- >////> -nods at guys-

Dark King Genta-evil ruler of shadows not much known....