Things I enjoy drawing:I have a thing for pleated skirts and thigh high stockings. Schoolgirls, I like them. Androids/dolls. Can't do ball-jointed stuff very well, but this stuff appeals to me. Females in general. Boots of the knee-high and calf variety. Symbols/patterns I like:Skulls. Crowns. Hearts. X, cross shapes. Keys & Locks. Checker pattern. The reasons I draw the way I do:Sailormoon(less so, but it's what I started anime from) It's the reason for my drawing bows and pleated skirts and sailor fukus. Saber Marionette J(which is also apparently where my android love started at) Bakuretsu Hunter(body shapes, but unconsciously I picked other things from this) DiGi Charat(some of my chibi style stems from here) 
Honey Duu · Fri Feb 26, 2010 @ 07:31am · 0 Comments |