Characters for Shackled and Bound (side) |
Name: Jamess Age: 11 Gender: male Race: Neko Personality: shy and very reclusive, he hates being touched and he goes into complete shut down when beaten or scared. after a beating he sleep for days and usually gets sick. How you respond to masters: Very pourly- I'm terrified of them and i don't hide it well, I'm even usually scared of other slaves(reason in bio) Skills: Making beds, cleaning and pleasure. Bio: i'm afraid of other slaves because in one household before Khristina's my master trusted a veteran slave with me and my twin sister. We were pet slaves for the masters children, but the veteran formed a crush on me and would beat me mercilessly whenever i did ANYthing wrong. He'd do more vile things when the master was away... I've only been under one kind mistress, and I really do love Khristina. I can to Khristina when I was still a kitten the first time. I really was a kitten- small delicate, born from a cat... that sort of thing. But I was born in a lab and grown into my being. Khtistina was 3 at the time. She had saved me from her wolf friend. when it became apparent I wasn't a cat, that I was human- sorta- Agean sold me, because they were very poor at the time. I came back to Khristina on my 8th birthday and have been with her ever since. I was even starting to trust her when her vile little brother tricked me and tried... hurting me. Appearance: Theme Song: Other:
Name: Galleck Age: appears 14 is actually 19 Gender: male Race: UNKNOWN Personality: How you respond to masters: well as can be expected. I don't talk much and I'm very obedient... My mistress' and masters usually like me... nothing can stop them from abusing me and I've become one with that fact... but humans both scare me an d depress me. Skills: Piano playing, cleaning, art, writing sewing and pleasure. Bio: I was born and given to a kind woman who was very very old. She died when I was 4. She was actually my grandmother, my mother had died in child birthing me, and she hated that about me. She loved her daughter. My father was a slave of my mothers husband. He was sold before my mother knew I was pregnant. I know my mother loved him dearly... in her will she wrote before I was born because she expected i'd kill her, she gave me to my grandmother, knowing I'd be raised right. By the time i was 6 i had learned never to cross my mothers husband. I had spilled tea on his clean carpet so he beat me and sold me to a ***** women named Kelly. She was 56 at the time. she taught me a lot about how to pleasure someone. from her I went through several owners. After her a man took me in and taught me how to play piano, I was 9. I've been a sex slave for the majority of my life... but this is the first time as a boys sex slave. Being born with out a voice he showed me how to show my voice through my music and on paper. I was sold to my current owner 2 years ago... Appearance:  Theme Song: Brahmas Lullaby Other: he noticed Guaia the first day she came... and now he has a tiny bit of a huge crush on her. I belong to Khristina's brother and I hate him, he's worse then any woman. i sleep in the cellar, which is Masters designated playpen... crying And i suffer from suicidal depression.
Name: Rose Gletscky Age: 24 Gender: Female Race: Hard to explain Personality: Sweet, quiet, obedient and collected, very loving towards her mistress/ How you respond to your masters: Very well, they don't bother me and I rarely get beaten- I'm just that good. Skills: Anything from babysitting to pleasure Bio: My mistress bought me originally to be her maid and some where along the line her girl friend cheated on her and broke her heart. She was crying so I went to comfort her, as a slave should, its our job... make sure our mistresses and masters are happy, it was all accidental. I brought her tea, rose tea, and it made her laugh, a few days later she was over her last girlfriend, and she took me on a date, I fell hopelessly in love with her from the very first time I saw her, she's so beautiful and strong, but sad. It makes me very angry when she's upset, and I happily kill anything that dares harm her. She fell for me, I just had to wait a while. Appearance:  theme song other =Masters= (unfinished)
Name: A.J Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: He's a spoiled little brat, he thinks he owns the world, he;s sadistic, cruel and spineless. He's bisexual and loves to torment slaves. He cusses a lot but is actually very insecure because he's so weak. He's never had a real friend- so He's socially disturbed. How you treat your slaves: Cruelly, to punish them I either rape them or torture them for days- depending on the severity of the crime, Occupation: School right now- nothing that pays me. Bio: When I was born I had a number of medical conditions. i had bad kidneys, scholiosys, brittle bones, a weak heart, and i was born blind. Luckily, I was more or less cured of my brittle bones, and my blindess. My parents spoiled me, and pushed me sister out. When we turned 10 I realized how I could control how mistreated my sister was. She was so weird, I have lots of fun tormenting her. or i did, until I tried to rape her little slave Jamess, she just about drowned me... Appearance:  Theme Song: Mr. Brightside Other: i am completely socially enept- but i'm beter at hiding it then my twin sister... ((we look and act nothing allike, most people think we MIGHT be cousins... not twins)
Name: Alessandra ((Alessa for short)) Age: 22 Gender: Female Personality: Very insane, she is loud and loves all the attention to be on her, she loves making anyone or thing to laugh. She has many slaves, and all of which she adores. How ever she inherited her father famous temper. How you treat your slaves: Rather well, I have one sex slave and the rest work on my farm. they all have their own rooms and such. I'm kind to them until they do something stupid. Occupation: Farmer, jeweler and small business owner. Bio: My father and i got along for a very long time until one day... he caught me with another girl. he was furious and we got into a screaming match, which ended in me stabbing him and being carted off to an insane asylum. I'm been out for 4 years now and I'm doing well for myself. My mother sends me money every so often. I only ever show up on my sisters birthday since I love her... maybe a little more then a sister should love her baby sister, but I want her and my baby brother to be happy. I usually give her a sample pack of my jewelry, which goes for up to 40k just for a necklace/earring set. My brother usually gets a new whip of something, since he's violent like me. Appearance:  Theme Song: Crazy People- Rehab Other: I'm homosexual and I really worry about my misters, because she shows many signs of the mental disorder I have.
Name: Taliah (Agean's wife) Age: 51 Gender: female Personality: Quiet calm and a little off, a lot like my daughter, but with much worse of a temper. I love slaves, i think every boy and every girl should have at least 1 sex slave growing up, obbsessive and ill-tempered, cruel and very OCD everything HAS to go according to plan or I have an ascendancy to explode, especially on slaves. How you treat your slaves: Fairly well, i feed them and I clothe them, but i expect them to clean, cook and do whatever I tell them, I don't like imperfections, anything wrong with anything will get a slave beaten mercilessly. Occupation: Part-time model and part-time photographer Bio: I grew up with Agean, we loved each other since we met. agean was very poor, and I was rather rich, so people assumed he only married my money. But they don;t know what went on behind the scenes with Ageans mother and father. I was the only person that could ever calm him down and help him. He ran away when he was 17 and we've been together ever since. We married and a few years later had my first daughter, who was perfect, or so it seemed. Appearance:  Theme Song: Other:
demon strait outta_hell · Sun Apr 04, 2010 @ 05:13am · 0 Comments |