Everyone knows about the school, run by the Lord Shingami himself, also known as the Grim Reaper. He created the school to help defend against the dark forces, known as kishin. These creatures love destruction and love to create chaos by all means necessary. Everyone knows this and to combat against them, the D.W.M.A was created. They were created to fight against these kishin and witches that threatened their way of life. But it was mostly to prevent the kishin from regaining total control over the world.
However, there hasn't been any sign of any lurking kishin for years and peace seemed to have washed over Death City. Although there has been reports about people vanishing from the very streets of Death City. Even some students have gone missing from the school. Shingami and many other teachers have gathered together and summoned the death scythes to help find out why people are missing. But this also includes, Maki, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Shingami's own son Death the Kid and Liz and Patty have been called up to help in this search. Even some other students are helping. It's almost like Ebion's book all over again.
This forces, the witches to offer their services to the weapons and meisters, since this new force is targeting the them as well. So now, new bonds will be formed, the very bonds that tie with destiny and can very well change the world. They just need to locate the source, behind all these attacks. Whether it`s a kishin or something much worse than anyone has ever encountered before.
silver-phoenix_zaniyah · Wed May 26, 2010 @ 04:29am · 0 Comments |