I ended up having to go to a bible study (which I forgot all about XD) so I'm just now being able to put up the pictures xp . Anyway, here they are. They're only three (one of which is my friends, but I love it so much I'm putting it up), but I'll get more later. And yes, I know I'm not a great artist.
This is of my made up that I usually role play in Inuyasha.
This is of Kiki, my friend's made up of whom she usually dreams about. It's for Full Metal Alchemist. She's so obsessed XDD.
This picture is the one my friend drew. She's absolutely in LOVE with Invader Zim, and she knows I love the show too, so she draws me pictures of Zim and Gir all the time. She drew me this one because I told her about a shirt I saw. This is actually Version 2 of it XD. I thought this is what it looked like, but when I saw it in the store the second time, I saw that the first version was more like it XP. Oopes XDD.
Yea, I know the pictures are big, but I haven't exactly figured out how to reduce thier size yet. I'm learning though blaugh .
Inuyasha_fan_girl_1 · Thu Mar 02, 2006 @ 06:29am · 3 Comments |