s its cupcake (Derek) hacking vanilla cake ;D ight lets see lets state the obvious shes really beautiful as u well know and if i hear you hurt her bitches u better run. I havnt known Ash a long time but she likes 2 show me chris crocker videos lol "if your best friend steals your bf just flip ur hair and walk away" xDD -chris crocker damn tht was hilarious tht vid well Ash why dun u come down and help me kick the s**t outta Mike xDDDD well uhh i guess its time 4 me 2 go

Well hello there uhhh excuse me who r u o_O haha jk.
Ash ur my vanilla cake and our chris crocker hair flip is just pure awesomeness hehe, Ash theres lots of things i can say but sadly there's not enough room so i guess imma start with ur like totally beautiful ;] if any of u jack asses say anything diff or hurt her ill beat ur a** n drop ur body in a hole. Just ask Ash about tht other dude ;D hmm Ash loves 2 munch on things tht r hard ;] xDDD jk dont even ask her she will hurt u real bad razz hmm i do hav a minor crush on this girl yes i ain't afraid 2 admit it. No matter what imma always be here 2 help u =] and i got ur back and shes got mine... at times Ash acts like a weirdo but shes still amerzin 2 b around, u dun agree then s**t gtfo her friends list.. well later vanilla cake =]