Age: 21
Personality: She doesn't speak much, as she had been taught with years of practice, and will only say things that are worth being heard when she does. She doesn't have very many likes but she absolutely hates when someone is bothering her friends and has a weakness for strawberries that only her friends now about. Something during the 5 year absence of Ky has made her inable to speak, whether by choice or not. No one knows if she can still speak, since she never has tried.
Weapons: Her most commonly used and always carried weapons are her two similar katanas. Both were gifts from her father and she treasures them dearly. She now also wields a detachable fire-knife, that she can shoot at someone to injure them, and then reel it back in.
Other Items: She carries bandages with her and sometimes she has small knives when she is preparing for a battle.
Bio: Tora grew up in a tradition family with a mother who cared for her in her first few years and died a horrible death related to gangs. Out of fear, her father tried to teach her all he could about being a samurai, so she could defend herself from her father's enemies if they came back again. As she grew up, she learned she had little time to enjoy herself and that samurai could not show weakness to anything, so her smile was diminished to a nod if ever she was satisfied and she learned to utilize her body as a weapon. However, one day, a rival came to the house while she slept and attempted to take her life. Her father, not wanting to lose another of his family, gave his life to try to save her. Upon waking up with his blood and dead body on the floor, there was a note that read "Go to the Assassin academy and learn so that you will not have to suffer the same fate that I and your mother have suffered. Do not disappoint me." And so, Tora started going to the school to learn how to further protect herself with one idea on her mind: Revenge.

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