Valentines Anons~
kumagoro cupid

unce unce unce unce.
bow chicka bow boooow.
you have been struck by the kumagoro cupid.
Happy valentines day.
bow chicka bow boooow.
you have been struck by the kumagoro cupid.
Happy valentines day.
You have been granted: V-Day 2k11 Gloryheart Hairpin
rock and roll alchemist

Happy Valentine's Day to you
May you always know love true
And when you find that special friend
May you love them till the end!
May you always know love true
And when you find that special friend
May you love them till the end!
You have been granted: V-Day 2k11 Heartsbane Parasol
Hey there!
Message: Here! Take this! I don't want it anymore and don't think I like you either!
It's not like I picked it for you specifically either. I-I-I just happened to get up early and go walking and picked these from a field was all! So yeah! Just shut up and take it!
Message: Here! Take this! I don't want it anymore and don't think I like you either!
It's not like I picked it for you specifically either. I-I-I just happened to get up early and go walking and picked these from a field was all! So yeah! Just shut up and take it!
... I KNOW
Wandering Child
Message: Hello stranger...
I have stumbled across you,
Sorry for the bother...
People seem to keep referring to me as one of these...'anons'
And I saw that you enjoyed our company...
So I thought that maybe...I should try to chat with you...
Oh, look at the time, I must wandering...
Have other people to...stumble upon, other people to meet...
Thank you for your time...
~Wandering Child...
I have stumbled across you,
Sorry for the bother...
People seem to keep referring to me as one of these...'anons'
And I saw that you enjoyed our company...
So I thought that maybe...I should try to chat with you...
Oh, look at the time, I must wandering...
Have other people to...stumble upon, other people to meet...
Thank you for your time...
~Wandering Child...
Message: &Roses are Red, and Violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and you are sweet too& ~ Honey
hope you have a great valentines day and hope you find someone special &3
Miss. Madhouse
Suddenly valentines. Thousands of them.
...and paper cuts.
~ Miss. Madhouse
...and paper cuts.
~ Miss. Madhouse
The Starlight Prince

As you settle into bed, you notice a shooting star. You make a wish before falling asleep.
Had you stayed awake a moment longer, you would have seen your windows open and a silvery prince enter.
He silently makes his way to your bedside. Smiling down at you, he places a gentle kiss on your cheek. You stir at the contact.
When you open your eyes, the only sign that someone was there is a gift by you pillow and traces of stardust.
~The Starlight Prince
Had you stayed awake a moment longer, you would have seen your windows open and a silvery prince enter.
He silently makes his way to your bedside. Smiling down at you, he places a gentle kiss on your cheek. You stir at the contact.
When you open your eyes, the only sign that someone was there is a gift by you pillow and traces of stardust.
~The Starlight Prince

Keep your arm at the level of your eye this Valentine's Day.
The phantom of the opera IS there.
But it's not just inside your mind~
You cannot say you were not warned
Yours past the point of no return ... perhaps,

The phantom of the opera IS there.
But it's not just inside your mind~
You cannot say you were not warned
Yours past the point of no return ... perhaps,


Master Frodo!
It has been so long since I have heard from you, let alone be able to follow you to the ends of Middle Earth. I hope you haven't forgotten how close we were when we journeyed all the way into the center of Mordor to destroy the Ring, and I must say I have dearly missed your presence in the Shire. I hope you come visit soon, I have things of the very utmost importance that I must show you.
Yours forever,
It has been so long since I have heard from you, let alone be able to follow you to the ends of Middle Earth. I hope you haven't forgotten how close we were when we journeyed all the way into the center of Mordor to destroy the Ring, and I must say I have dearly missed your presence in the Shire. I hope you come visit soon, I have things of the very utmost importance that I must show you.
Yours forever,
Desert punk Kazuki

Oh baby, I wanna slash you out and cover myself in your beautiful velvetly rose colored blood while I embrace your squishy entrails. &3333333
The Masked Casanova
Between your sheets you soundly sleep
Nor dreams of vigils that we lovers keep
While all the night, I waking sign your name,
The tender sound does every nerve inflame,
Imagination shows me all your charms,
The plenteous silken hair, and waxen arms,
The well turned neck, and snowy rising breast
And all the beauties that supinely rest
between your sheets.
-The Masked Casanova
Nor dreams of vigils that we lovers keep
While all the night, I waking sign your name,
The tender sound does every nerve inflame,
Imagination shows me all your charms,
The plenteous silken hair, and waxen arms,
The well turned neck, and snowy rising breast
And all the beauties that supinely rest
between your sheets.
-The Masked Casanova
[NPC] Cupid
I used to live my days alone; wandering the seas,
Pillaging and murdering and lots of other things.
But then one day I came across something quite surreal,
It was simply so amazing that I couldn't believe that it was real.
Since then I have been waiting, and making sweet use of all my time,
And now I stand before you my love, hoping perhaps you'll be my Valentine?
~The Lolita Pirate
Pillaging and murdering and lots of other things.
But then one day I came across something quite surreal,
It was simply so amazing that I couldn't believe that it was real.
Since then I have been waiting, and making sweet use of all my time,
And now I stand before you my love, hoping perhaps you'll be my Valentine?
~The Lolita Pirate
[NPC] Cupid

Back then I thought I was the unluckiest person in the world, then I looked at you and smiled. Why? Because no matter how unlucky I was, it was worth it because of you.
[NPC] Rina
Hey there!
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: As I walk to the castle
I saw many prince and princesses dancing
I still don't have any princess to dance with me
I walk to the fountain beside the castle alone
I'm still waiting for her.
Holding my red rose to give to my princess.
But now I realize..
That my princess could
Happy Valentines day to you, my Princess.
-Winter Prince
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: As I walk to the castle
I saw many prince and princesses dancing
I still don't have any princess to dance with me
I walk to the fountain beside the castle alone
I'm still waiting for her.
Holding my red rose to give to my princess.
But now I realize..
That my princess could
Happy Valentines day to you, my Princess.
-Winter Prince
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
Plague Doll
Happy early Valentines day! whee


My Valentine, I love thee
More than a dog loves a tree
More than a lumberjack
Loves a cucumber snack
Or a fish loves staying wet
More even than
Romeo loved Juliet
More than a dog loves a tree
More than a lumberjack
Loves a cucumber snack
Or a fish loves staying wet
More even than
Romeo loved Juliet
[NPC] Cupid
Red, white, pink and black
When I see the colors, my heart seems to skip that painful beat
Knowing it’s the time and day
That we all love
Valentine’s Day, a day for love
We show affection and spill our hearts
But I show no emotion on that day, but why?
Because I’m not loved, never or ever.
Will you be kinder to me or show me hate?
All I want for Valentine’s Day
Is someone to love.
Can I love you?
When I see the colors, my heart seems to skip that painful beat
Knowing it’s the time and day
That we all love
Valentine’s Day, a day for love
We show affection and spill our hearts
But I show no emotion on that day, but why?
Because I’m not loved, never or ever.
Will you be kinder to me or show me hate?
All I want for Valentine’s Day
Is someone to love.
Can I love you?
[NPC] Cupid
A figure in the dark of night...
Pale hair blows in the warm breeze...
Eyes that see all, that are witness to your soul, turn on you...
Enraptured, you stare and find it hard to breathe...
A smile, one that brightens your world and makes your heart swell...
"I release you from your bonds, spirit...
May you find your other half someday."
- Soul's Mate
Pale hair blows in the warm breeze...
Eyes that see all, that are witness to your soul, turn on you...
Enraptured, you stare and find it hard to breathe...
A smile, one that brightens your world and makes your heart swell...
"I release you from your bonds, spirit...
May you find your other half someday."
- Soul's Mate
[NPC] Cupid

I place a leash up on your collar, your hands bound up behind your back. Giving a grin I lead you up to my desk. Pulling you up over my desk, I take my spiked paddle smacking it up at your a**. With a smirk I say, "Now beg Master for forgiveness!" I then spank the spiked paddle up harder against your soft a**. [Signed] Chains an Whips Anon
The Frozen Maiden
Hey there!
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: -And you, my dear, who dont believe in love too should join me and be a Servant of Evil. You, who was bullied by a girl because you gave out not so expensive gifts back at the Christmas Event. Dont you agree that this world doesnt know love? Dont you wanna ruin everything from those kind of people? We would be accused as monsters but were mainly punishers. And before this ends, let me remind you that the dark angel always watches.-
The Frozen Maiden
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: -And you, my dear, who dont believe in love too should join me and be a Servant of Evil. You, who was bullied by a girl because you gave out not so expensive gifts back at the Christmas Event. Dont you agree that this world doesnt know love? Dont you wanna ruin everything from those kind of people? We would be accused as monsters but were mainly punishers. And before this ends, let me remind you that the dark angel always watches.-
The Frozen Maiden
[NPC] Cupid

I’ve decided to be really risqué.
And forsake all that is routine and stable.
So I’ll cause a display.
And take you on the table.
With a bite here and there.
And a thrust just where you like it.
I’ll change you to the chair.
So forget love.
Let’s go with lust.
At least I used a glove.
-The Public Thrust
And forsake all that is routine and stable.
So I’ll cause a display.
And take you on the table.
With a bite here and there.
And a thrust just where you like it.
I’ll change you to the chair.
So forget love.
Let’s go with lust.
At least I used a glove.
-The Public Thrust
[NPC] Cupid

Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
[NPC] Cupid

Here we go,
The world is spinning,
When it stops,
It's just beginning,
Sun comes up,
We laugh and we cry,
Sun goes down,
And then we all die.
~ Samara Morgan
[NPC] Cupid

I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.
-the lover-theologian
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.
-the lover-theologian
Ladro Di Sogni

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us he's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us he's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love
[NPC] Cupid
A figure in the dark of night...
Colourless eyes burn brightly in the darkness...
Eyes that see all, that are witness to your soul, turn on you...
You find yourself frozen in place, unable to look away...
The stars shine brightly above your head...
You blink, and everything disappears, and a voice echoes in your ears...
"I release you from your bonds, spirit...
May you find your other half someday."
- Soul's Mate
Colourless eyes burn brightly in the darkness...
Eyes that see all, that are witness to your soul, turn on you...
You find yourself frozen in place, unable to look away...
The stars shine brightly above your head...
You blink, and everything disappears, and a voice echoes in your ears...
"I release you from your bonds, spirit...
May you find your other half someday."
- Soul's Mate
[NPC] Cupid

Grass is green,
Rose thorns are too.
You’ve been very mean
So I’m coming to get you.
Hate is advertised,
And love is blind.
Don’t be surprised,
I already have plans outlined.
~Cruel Fate
Rose thorns are too.
You’ve been very mean
So I’m coming to get you.
Hate is advertised,
And love is blind.
Don’t be surprised,
I already have plans outlined.
~Cruel Fate
[NPC] Cupid

I'll kill you just so I can't devour you heart in I single swallow. That is how much I love you. How much I love to have your organs in my tummy. I love you lots. Oh and I love the sounds you make when I rip out you organs and eat them one by one. I eat your heart last so you live until the very end, we are together, even after we are together, your delicious organs will forever remain in me. That is how much I love you.
From: a person you will never know.
From: a person you will never know.
[NPC] Cupid

Crying, Grasping!
My clutches on you will never avail!
Quivering oh so violently
My love for you is as long as your bloody trail
Giving of a sense of eternal doom
I send you to my famous room!
Poor little girl.... you were not clever
For your maggot ridden corpse is with me forever!
My clutches on you will never avail!
Quivering oh so violently
My love for you is as long as your bloody trail
Giving of a sense of eternal doom
I send you to my famous room!
Poor little girl.... you were not clever
For your maggot ridden corpse is with me forever!
[NPC] Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
Did you ever see one of those videos where you are asked to look for, or follow, a specific thing through out the video? Then, at the end, they reveal that as you were watching, something large and intrusive moved around in plain sight and you never even noticed it. It’s frightening how often that happens, like how I just moved from the doorway into your room as you read this.
[NPC] Cupid
[NPC] Cupid
I don't think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live.
You are an amazing person
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.
all the love I have to give
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live.
You are an amazing person
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.
[NPC] Cupid

Does it hurt here? *places hand on your head*
Does it hurt here? *places hand on knee*
Does it hurt here, then? *places hand on heart*
Well, I am a doctor, so I will fix it right up.
Easy, love!
*kiss* Just like that.
Have a happy V-day stranger! - Doc
Does it hurt here? *places hand on knee*
Does it hurt here, then? *places hand on heart*
Well, I am a doctor, so I will fix it right up.
Easy, love!
*kiss* Just like that.
Have a happy V-day stranger! - Doc
[NPC] Cupid

His d**k is as green as a fresh toaded pickle
His hair is as dark as his semeny mush
I wish he would rape me, he's surely worth sickles,
The hero the conquered my bush.
~The Hairy Plotter
His hair is as dark as his semeny mush
I wish he would rape me, he's surely worth sickles,
The hero the conquered my bush.
~The Hairy Plotter
[NPC] Cupid
Blushing glory
Sweet delicate half moon.
My sweet dear, you seem to be incomplete.
Let me embrace you, under the stars and into the night.
Let me whisper sweet nothings and see my reflection in your eyes.
Let me tell you, "I love you" and steal you away.
For you are my better half.
~Black Delilah
Sweet delicate half moon.
My sweet dear, you seem to be incomplete.
Let me embrace you, under the stars and into the night.
Let me whisper sweet nothings and see my reflection in your eyes.
Let me tell you, "I love you" and steal you away.
For you are my better half.
~Black Delilah
[NPC] Cupid

I'm gonna Fawke you tonight in your sleep.
To be safe, you should probably take a piss before you go to bed tonight. Your going to be doing a LOT of action that involves peeing, dicks, whips, shitting, stuffing, exercising, and pulling. I don't want you to have any breaks while we are making sweet, salty, wet love. &3
~Your Guilty Pleasure
To be safe, you should probably take a piss before you go to bed tonight. Your going to be doing a LOT of action that involves peeing, dicks, whips, shitting, stuffing, exercising, and pulling. I don't want you to have any breaks while we are making sweet, salty, wet love. &3
~Your Guilty Pleasure
[NPC] Cupid
Do you enjoy store bought?
Or home made?
Because for you,
I have bought out the store to make you
A home made gift..
As I left to to give it to you,
I forgot the time and..
... It blew up..
Next time, will be better.
~ Random Bed side Note.
Or home made?
Because for you,
I have bought out the store to make you
A home made gift..
As I left to to give it to you,
I forgot the time and..
... It blew up..
Next time, will be better.
~ Random Bed side Note.
[NPC] Cupid
In my isolation, I dream of you in a moonlight chamber.
Your wrists chained to the wall, and your satin bed within view.
I'll write you a love letter on your headstone.
Love, you'll share with me.
I'll taste your heart, your love, until you have nothing left to give.
Hold your beating chambers until they beat no more, and hold them with me for all time.
In your bed of satin, you'll lay.
Six feet under, with no more love to give.
~The Father Of Lies
Your wrists chained to the wall, and your satin bed within view.
I'll write you a love letter on your headstone.
Love, you'll share with me.
I'll taste your heart, your love, until you have nothing left to give.
Hold your beating chambers until they beat no more, and hold them with me for all time.
In your bed of satin, you'll lay.
Six feet under, with no more love to give.
~The Father Of Lies
[NPC] Cupid

9x - 7i & 3(3x-7u)
9x - 7i & 9x - 21u
-9x -9x
-7i & -21u
-7 -7
i & 3u
9x - 7i & 9x - 21u
-9x -9x
-7i & -21u
-7 -7
i & 3u
[NPC] Cupid

Between the wanting and the oneness
there is a moment -
that wordless, wondering moment -
in which I shall will you to kiss me.
It's as brief as a heartbeat,
as endless as a heart break,
as fatal as a heart stop.
What chance do you have?
Don't look into my eyes - you'll be lost....
Don't gaze upon my mouth - you'll fall for
its sinlessness,
and all its hopeless hopefulness.
there is a moment -
that wordless, wondering moment -
in which I shall will you to kiss me.
It's as brief as a heartbeat,
as endless as a heart break,
as fatal as a heart stop.
What chance do you have?
Don't look into my eyes - you'll be lost....
Don't gaze upon my mouth - you'll fall for
its sinlessness,
and all its hopeless hopefulness.
[NPC] Cupid

Let's play a game.

Your supple flesh, all a quiver, shivering at my touch; not for long; as I make a meal of you.
~Nom nom
[NPC] Cupid

How faraway you are from me,
and yet so near and dear.
And that is why it troubles me,
that you don't know I am here.
~The Estranged Professor
and yet so near and dear.
And that is why it troubles me,
that you don't know I am here.
~The Estranged Professor
[NPC] Cupid

I want you. What I want I'l always get! You'll never escape me. I'll cut you piece by piece, stuff your abdomen in a suitcase and smuggle you outta the country and make you scream the day we land and ever after. You'll get addicted, you'll want more and 'll be there to give it to you.
-most sadistic one
-most sadistic one

Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you.
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you.
[NPC] Cupid

The rogue suddenly reveals himself, stepping from behind a tree trunk. He slips off his leather cuirass, revealing a rippling six pack, and stares at you. His gaze is intimidating, and that turns you on. With a soft grin, he asks, "What's up?"
You lick your lips, unaware of your blushing face. You catch yourself staring below his waist, and quickly glance away, hoping he didn't notice.
"I heard you like Mudkips..." you whisper softly.
"Oh really?" he responds suggestively.
"Yeah... Really."
You lick your lips, unaware of your blushing face. You catch yourself staring below his waist, and quickly glance away, hoping he didn't notice.
"I heard you like Mudkips..." you whisper softly.
"Oh really?" he responds suggestively.
"Yeah... Really."
[NPC] Cupid

As the day draws to an end,
A final slumber has begun.
But maybe,
Maybe for some,
Its just a dormant,
Waiting one.
I hope to see you once again,
When this giving strikes once more.
And then,love.
In my embrace,
You'll forever stay.
One more thing,
Before I go,
You can always talk to me on my mule,
Im always here.
ArchAngel Anon is the name,
Just call my name to play the game.
A final slumber has begun.
But maybe,
Maybe for some,
Its just a dormant,
Waiting one.
I hope to see you once again,
When this giving strikes once more.
And then,love.
In my embrace,
You'll forever stay.
One more thing,
Before I go,
You can always talk to me on my mule,
Im always here.
ArchAngel Anon is the name,
Just call my name to play the game.
[NPC] Cupid
shall a million broken roses fall at your feet
because no rose compares to your beauty my roes queen
~The wolf prince
because no rose compares to your beauty my roes queen
~The wolf prince
[NPC] Cupid
ah my golden silver goddess shall we dance the night away on endless clouts of love and whisper sweet nothings in to each others ears for i wish to be your prince in this endless heaven i made for you
~wolf prince
~wolf prince
[NPC] Cupid

If I flip this coin whats the chance of you giving me heads?
-The guy you meet at the mall
-The guy you meet at the mall
[NPC] Cupid

Every day you make me proud, but today you get a card.
[NPC] Cupid

DON'T LET CARL DO IT! Carl just keeps eating everything! How am I suppose to give anyone anything worth while! Looks like all I have left is a box of lame hairpins. Sorry. :/ <- Anti-Carl