Cherubic Queen The Cherubic Queen is the current faction leader, descended from the god Solair. She often patrols Solair's territory in her Gryphon form, descending on enemies who have crossed the line whenever she finds them. As an NPC she has far greater mana and health capabilities than any player, and can only be defeated with a raid group.

Deific Templar Deific Templars are the Solair faction's Noble class. They're initially stronger and have abilities in all areas, but train new recruits in a much more violent realm. Their companions tend to have mana talents they use to cast powerful buffs on the Templars.

Faded Revenant Faded Revenants are a deceptively powerful class of necromancer. Though they usually exhibit a calm exterior, provocation will unleash a storm of hidden anger. Their companions strike profound fear into the hearts of their enemies, leaving them paralyzed and defenseless.

Resolute Hero Resolute Heroes are the most common class in the Solair faction. They're strongest in close physical combat, but have no mana abilities. They have the ability to carry a large variety of weapons due to the squire like nature of their companions.

Cunning Bandit Cunning Bandits are considered a lower class in the Solair faction due to their devious intentions. They're decent in close physical and stealth combat, but have no mana abilities. Their companions tend to amass strange collections of objects stolen from enemies, and like to show them off at inconvenient times.

Dexterous Marksman Dexterous Marksmen are the best at ranged combat and high damage, but still have some hand to hand combat abilities. They're also excellent trackers and are the only class whose companions can engage enemies in combat.

Guilded Conjuror Gilded Conjurors are exceptional at afflictions and other status spells, as well as crafting summoning spells for various strange creatures. They are poor at close combat however. Their companions are often small demons or other spirits that can change shape to fool their enemies.

Earnest Minstrel Earnest Minstrels have woven their magic into music, able to cast powerful offensive spells with song. They are weak in close combat however, making range vital to their victory. If forced into close combat, they play a special song for their companions to dance to, charming and distracting the enemy until the Minstrel gains enough distance.

Pious Cleric Pious Clerics are a powerful class of healers with no offensive abilities. They're also adept at casting defensive spells to protect themselves and their allies from harm in combat. Their companions are skittish and shy, preferring to scurry about during battle randomly casting healing charms.
Odd Cinderella · Thu Dec 15, 2011 @ 05:32am · 0 Comments |