Kay first journal. Um I just really wanted to post some of my drawings I've been working on. So this will mainly be like an art blog type of journal I guess.

This is a WIP.
So seeings how the 20th anniversary for the Sailor Moon anime is coming up (in March I believe) I’m planning to draw a big picture of all of the senshi for this date. Why am I even bothering? Well, Sailor Moon has always been a REALLY big deal for me. If it weren’t for the Sailor Moon anime, I would never have been inspired to draw. If it weren’t for the Sailor Moon anime, I don’t think I would be as into anime as I have been my whole life. So I just wanted to draw something really cool for this date.
I hope to stick with this one for sure.
I’ve only got the 5 sailors right now. I am planning to draw ALL of them.
I do have two problems though:
1. When I draw Sailor Moon, should I draw her in the Eternal fuku, or as Sailor Cosmos?
2. Should I include Tuxedo Mask in the picture too? Or no?
I don’t know if I’m going to include the Three Lights. If I don’t, I’ll try and draw them (And Princess Kakyuu) after this.
I would love some suggestions. So what do you guys think?
And I've been teaching myself to draw Ponies lately. Here's what I've come up with:

First time drawing Derpy Hooves. I loved her in 'The Last Roundup' the entire MLP fandom exploded when she started talking. It was epic!
So unless I can find a way to make a photo album of some sort, I think I'll just keep this as an art blog.
TiffanyBlueSprinkles · Fri Jan 27, 2012 @ 07:31pm · 0 Comments |