stare i feel like such a tramp....i finaly got a huge weight off mt chest today....and now i bought a little gold promise ring, its under my cat glove, but its there. i wrote this poem to go with it. i mean every word of this poem too.... (i did it in paint crying stupid photobucket makes it tiny!!)
 it reads: To my Prince... This little golden ring, Is my promise ring to you, To keep me on the right path, And remind me to be true. To you my heart belongs, And for you my love remains, To you i have confessed my wrongs, And you love me just the same. So this little promise ring, Will remind me not to stray. Because forever in your arms, Is where i want to stay.
heart I love you always.... ~Your Princess
It is to My love...Driedfruit. I am so sorry, and i love you. Thank you for understanding, it means a lot to me. I will be loyal and true like i would be in RL. I'm sorry to everyone else. But Brandon has my heart.
love is nothing is just a measurment of how much you are willing to sacrifice for a person.
I love...and so i sacrifice.
Swallower Of Daves Shaft · Sun May 14, 2006 @ 09:59am · 8 Comments |