User: Black_n_Red
character Name: Clair or Zantra (goes by both; Clair: informal, Zantra: formal)
age: 14 race(s): demon, vampire, and elf.
power(s): fire/pyro, water, shadow.
weapon: katana,daggers, ninja stars, scythe and light sword.
job: elven queen in waiting, and student.
appereance: very gothic clothing, eyes change colors depending on mood( mad=blood red, normal=dark/emerald green, others will be added later cuz i'm really lazy right now to list them all), carries katana on hip belt, light sword straped to back inbetween her black, feathered wings, and scythe usually she carries around with her all the time.
Personality: usually quiet and a loner.
Bio: queen in waiting to a vast empire above the neitherworld ( secret hidden places on Earth) met the Overlordess thru her fiance, Lotter, who is Kalystal_Chao's brother. doesnt like her mother 'cuz she abandoned her when she was very young and only know she is the hier to the Elven nation thru people and dreams.
Loves: Lotter, writing, reading and sparing.
Hates: killing without a cause, and Mother.
Engaged 2 Lotter
black_n_red · Thu May 18, 2006 @ 01:06am · 0 Comments |