Cloud was seated in the middle of the two lovely creatures. THe Safer of the Two Sephiroths cooed to him
"I love your eyes, Cloud-San..." He trailed a wing over his neck. Cloud blushed, kissing the safe one. The other of the two, however...
"I love his body...so ripe...sweet...." The evil Sephiroth pinned Cloud to the ground and bit his neck. Cloud groaned, soon reaching for the Safer of the two. The safe one cried, "DON'T HURT HIM." The Evil one glared at teh other, licking his lips that were coverd in a thin trail of the boy's blood
"Ooh....want to try me? Love?" He pinned the other Sephiroth to the ground and bit his neck, also. The safe one cried, reaching for Cloud. Cloud, however, shoved himself inth e middle again, cutting them off.
"If you want to do anyting...do it to me..." THe two Sephiroths smiled and felt upon their new little slave.He two Sephiroths smiled and felt upon their new little slave. Cloud let out a small whimper, feeling the safer Sephiroth touch upon him with a feathered touches, but arched up in sadistic pleasure from the rougher of the two. Cloud grew harder agaisnt the two of them and it showed, they licked their lips and argued over his c**k
"I want it.."
"No! He's mine!" THe rougher one screamed, grasping Cloud and dragging his nails over him. "Neeeaaaa...." Cloud cried, arching up more. His face a deep red. The softer of the two licked down Cloud's neck....going lower and lower....
Sephiroth shot up and growled loudly yawing in the middle of it, smacking his fists into the ground. "DAMNIT! I wanna ******** Cloud!!"