Hi! yes i can draw your avi and of your friends, only tell me what kind of draw do you want ^^
Tell me please this preferences:
- Style: Chibi, Manga, More real version, 3D Character
-Size: Head, Head and shoulders, Head to hips, full body
-Colors: Pencil(black and white), Inked, Pencil Colors, PC, photoshop colors
-Clothes or images of the avatar/s, or my inveted clothes
razz If there are 2 or more character in the same draw 25% of less gold in the second character.
When you have told me the election i will tell you the final price ^^


You can see more examples in the arena
http://www.gaiaonline.com/artarena/index.php?mode=artistPage&postid=280969&page=9chibi in pencils

Example of avi art in manga full body, pencil colors

Example of a couple of gaia in more real version and pc colors

Example real version inked

3d examplesAh if you want the 3D version is more dificult but i can do it.
The prices will be about 1000 for each item of your 3D avatar because for create each item i need to pay in this game about 800 credits for create it. Some things are easy to do and another more complicated.
I do this avi 3d art in imvu.com, if you want to register come to
http://imvu.ya.sti will sell you the items in this game trading for x2,5gaia gold or credits.
I also trade my credits for your gaia gold: 1 credit = 2,5 golds
Feel free to ask me

So the price will be more or less:
-Fox/Cat/Woolf Ears: 500 -Chii ears: 600
- Hair: 800 -Glasses: 800
-Skin , and Make up :500 - Eyes: 500
-Paws: 800 -gloves 500
-Stockings:800 -Skirts: 900
-Dress:1000 -Trousers:1000
-Top: 900 -Cape:1500
-Scarfs:1500 -Hair Items:900
-Shoes 1000 -Chibi Cat pet: 1000
-Jacket: 1000 -Tail: 500
-Staff :1000 -A can of drink, glass: 1000
-Choose a pose of avalibles: 200
-Choose a Background: 100
Maybe more things. tell me what do you want ^^
Zrein_Sinkarix · Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 11:28pm · 0 Comments