My Role play profile, and if you would like to rp with me... |
~Name: Sadako ~Age: 17 ~Personality: Rude, Arrogent, and Headstrong ~Race: Human ~Appearance: ((Didn't make the pic in anyway...-Some people ask me about it-)) ~Race: Human ~Bio: Sadako came from a village with some magic. She was kind-of chased out of it for possesing strange powers. Only the head of the village was supposed to have powers (which is why he/she was the head. The powers ran in the bloodline, when the old head died, his/her older son or daughter was the head). The villagers were going to do a power transplant, but that is very dangerouse and could kill whoever was going through it. So Sadako ran away. ((She could send images into people's heads))_____________________________________________________________
On occasions I make make Sadako look like this girl...
Okay! If you would like to role play with me then just pm me! heart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule when I role play: 1) I will not join an rp that allows godmoding.... 2) I will not join an rp where everybody swears after just about every sentance... stare People can swear, just not so much that I explode.... 3) I can do romance.... Actually I encorage romance in a role play, it draws people into the rp more and characters can truly interact. Also, most rps are in anime form, and an essential part to almost any anime is romace.... heart heart 4) I won't stand for OOC arguments 5) If someone is speaking OOC (out of character) I would like them to do soemthing like ((blah)), (Yadda yadda), {{sfg ve}}, {fdg}, [[gjrhgryj]], and [hgfytbu]. I myself prefer ((blah)).
Rules 1, 2, and 3 are the most important.... heart
Hey, I'm looking for another fantasy rp to join. If you would like to have me in your fantasy rp just send me a link or banner and I'll check it out. If I like it, I'll join....if I don't or if I find a better one....I won't. But don't feel bad, I appreciate all requests. I would just like it to be at least semi-literate, and please....no godmoding.... I would also like this to be a long time rp, which means if I have to go today, I can come back tommarrow and we can continue....or something like that. Well, I reall hope as least one person asks me! Thank you!
(read rp rules, ect.)
C U M C A K E S xx · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 04:15am · 0 Comments |