Putting my personal pictures in my journal for you peoples to see. Enjoy
 As far as I know that would be Brian, Justin, and Chris.
 Garrett and half of Rachel's face.
 Rachel. Alex is in the back.
 Me and Chris <3
 Uhhhh.......... mrgreen
 Garrett (the one standing up) and the rest of the guys wrestling. Or just being gay, I dunno.
 Me! (Nicole)
 Molly (the dog), Brian, Zach, and Chris.
 Me and Rachel
 Amy and Nicole
 My brother Chris M (not really but you know)
 Katie and Lindsay
 Me. Don't ask about the tape.
 Rachel and Me. Again, don't ask about the tape.
 Lindsay, Katie, and Me
 Me and Lindsay playing DDR
-Pixie Ninja Reprise- · Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 06:47am · 2 Comments |