heart Then like a month before Fullmetal Alchemist came to America as an anime, I had another dream: I was hanging out with a group of friends in an old green feild where a strange factory like building was erected. It was just me, two other girls and one boy. No clue who any of them were, but in the dream were were all close friends. Then some strange war just appeared in full battle and the girls all disappeared. The boy remained and told me something about having to go fight for the good. He took off running and then I felt feelings of love towards him. He ran into the battle, me trying to chase him down when he somehow erected a stone wall out of no where and ran behind it into the building
(I now know he used a form of alchemy even though I knew notthing of the science then). I chased him into the building then relized the war fighters were all trying to catch and kill him. Just as he was about to run off into battle, I tried to tell him i loved him: but the dream ended.
heart Now between these two dreams was like a 5-7 year span. During that time I transfered to a new high School is a small town during freshman year and befriended a boy named Mike. Over the high school four years, we became really good friends. Now we're great best friends but I think there may be something more there. But since both of us are too damn shy to say anything, it's been this way for a year since high school ended in 2005. Thinking back to those dreams, the boys in my dream were all identical to Mike. Except Mike is into Russia and is anti-Japan and he is a totaly anti-otaku. He sees Anime as just cartoons.
heart I don't know anymore. Maybe this world is nothing but a made-up world. Like what we create in our minds controls the universe. I'm not a strong beliver in it... but this occurance makes me re-think my way of thinking.
Sister Madline from 'Dragonfly'(2002)
If we can create this world with imagination, why not the next.