In the days of old, there existed an Angel which was the first Angel and a Demon which was the first Demon. The name of the Angel was ChronAngellus for he was the Angel of the Chronicles, and the name of the Demon was ChronDemonaku for he was the Demon of the Chronicles. These 2 became archenemies almost immediately because ChronDemonaku wanted a world with chaos and destruction, but ChronAngellus wanted a world with love & peace. Neither one agreed with the other and thus the first great battle had begun. They called this battle "Genelation" which is to say, "The Beginning of the End." This battle lasted for 3 years. Both the power of ChronAngellus and the power of ChronDemonaku was equally matched. Therefore, they both decided to stop the battle and gather as many people as possible for themselves to build themselves an army in order to finally end their battle ,which they started, which would be called "Revesis" which is to say "The End of the Beginning" and therefore decide how the world would forever be.
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