Drao'na pylg. E kiacc eh cusa fyo ed fyc y syddan uv desa, Drao fyedat demm E mad so tavahca kad mylg du ku uh dra uvvahla. drana pylg, Pid E ghuf dranac yh yhkma E'ja oad du vuna caa, fedr dras drana ymfyoc ec. E kiacc ymm E ryja du tu ec syehdyeh luhdnum, Gaab Socamv vnus cmebbehk ehdu druca fydanc. Ihdem E veht y hysa po frelr du peht dras. Pid ruf E lyh hysa dra hysamacc, drao cyo drao kydran dra haatc? Dra haatc E cbuga uv fedr dryd drehk ur cu muhk yku? dryd drehk Po frelr So civvanehk ujan dra mycd dfu oaync cbnihk, So puto ryc oad du nalujan vnus dra dnyhcvan uv rec ahankeac ehdu dra jaccam uv yhudran. yht dra uhmo naycuh E fyc ypma du raym yd dra nyda E ryja ec palyica E'ja paah vaatehk eh pimg. Kydranehk ahankeac vnus druca fruca mejac cxiyhtan dra kevdc Tnyehehk dra vuumecr yht Pehtehk dra fayg femmat, Dra cysa Tyng ahanko dryd cdyehc so bcolra E lruca du ica du nakyeh fryd E mucd, fryd eh so Taymehk E ryt du cinnahtan.
E'ja paah Naytehk dra hudac, maddanc, yht clnebdc dra zuinhym E fnuda du socamv Ujan druca suhdrc E lyh hud nasaspan. Dra niehc yht cbammc dryd drao buinat ehdu So seht. E'ja nayt so knesuny, yht huf muug vun dra bykac Frelr E nasujat. Vun Uhla E ys Yvnyet uv dra ihghufh, Pid E lyh hud mad so vayn nima sa. Palyica E Tu ghuf fryd drao yna, E ghuf fryd drao fyhd. Banrybc E lyh veht lussuh knuiht, yh Yknaasahd dryd bmaycac Ic pudr. Pid pyhecrsahd ec hud yh ubdeuh. E femm hud cinjeja Ev y pyhecrsahd ec yddasbdat, Ed femm tacdnuo sa, yht mayja hudrehk Pid y rummufat Uid cramm, yht yh ehvacdydeuh paouht Lusbnarahceuh. E lruca drec bydr, E femm vummuf ed drnaf. Syo Uteh Ryja sanlo Ibuh druca fedr eh dra ynay uv avvald. Vun ev drao yna fru E pameaja drao du pa, Drao femm yddasbd du cbnayt du yho yht ymm fedr ghufmatka Uv yhodrehk paouht cekrd ev uhmo cu drao syo cinjeja du yddasbd drana kuym ykyeh... Drao cbuga uv cdnebbehk uha bancuh uv drana cekrd du vimvemm y haat, Druikr E ghuf dra haat drao cbayg E tu hud pameaja ed buccepma vun ed du pa tuha fedr uid tysykehk dra luna yc famm yc dra jaccam. Drah ykyeh, Drao ryja crufh sa drehkc mucd ihdu dra ykac, Drao'ja crufh sa drehkc dryd yna vunpettah. dra ghufmatka drao keja cu vnaamo caasc du ryja du hu avvald ibuh so gynsel Pymyhla. Cu dra xiacdeuh palusac Fro keja ed du sa, ev ed tuac hud bid dras eh y paddan bucedeuh du myo lyms du so jaccam? Banrybc drydc dra buehd, Hud du dyga y jaccam uv drana ufh, Pid du veht y femmehk ymmo eh fryd ec du lusa. Pid E ghuf ed ec po drana yldeuh dryd ed femm lusa. ed femm pa po drana yldeuhc dryd dra fymmc femm vymm yht naymedo edc camv femm palusa iheveat. Eja cbahd dra desa muugehk ehdu dra muna, dra yhcfanc uv bnubradc mucd du dra ykac. E socamv ryja syta bnubralo yht caah dra vencd cdabc uv ed vymm ehdu bmyla, po so yldeuhc. syopa drec ec dra fyo? syopa drec ec dra vyda E ahcinat Po yknaaehk fedr res ymm dryd desa yku... E ghaf fryd ed fyc drah, Huf Es hud cu cina. dra rayt cdnuhk vuumecrhacc uv ouidr, Pid so ehhulahdc drah ymmufat sa du caa lmaynmo fryd fyc du lusa. Banrybc Po cusa cdnyhka meha uv vyda yh yknaasahd fedr dras femm ymmuf sa du caa lmaynmo uhla suna? Un banrybc ed femm sanamo vyda sa du cusadrehk E luimt bnajahd. E sicd veht druca mucd bykac, E sicd veht so yhcfanc du dra xiacdeuhc E ghaf fuimt lusa.
a translation: They're back. I guess in some way it was a matter of time, They waited till I let my defense get lack to go on the offence. there back, But I know there’s an angle I've yet to fore see, with them there always is. I guess all I have to do is maintain control, Keep Myself from slipping into those waters. Until I find a name by which to bind them. But how I can name the nameless, they say they gather the needs? The needs I spoke of with that thing oh so long ago? that thing By which My suffering over the last two years sprung, My body has yet to recover from the transfer of his energies into the vessel of another. and the only reason I was able to heal at the rate I have is because I've been feeding in bulk. Gathering energies from those whose lives squander the gifts Draining the foolish and Binding the weak willed, The same Dark energy that stains my psyche I chose to use to regain what I lost, what in my Dealing I had to surrender.
I've been Reading the notes, letters, and scripts the journal I wrote to myself Over those months I can not remember. The ruins and spells that they poured into My mind. I've read my grimora, and now look for the pages Which I removed. For Once I am Afraid of the unknown, But I can not let my fear rule me. Because I Do know what they are, I know what they want. Perhaps I can find common ground, an Agreement that pleases Us both. But banishment is not an option. I will not survive If a banishment is attempted, It will destroy me, and leave nothing But a hollowed Out shell, and an infestation beyond Comprehension. I chose this path, I will follow it threw. May Odin Have mercy Upon those with in the area of effect. For if they are who I believe they to be, They will attempt to spread to any and all with knowledge Of anything beyond sight if only so they may survive to attempt there goal again... They spoke of stripping one person of there sight to fulfill a need, Though I know the need they speak I do not believe it possible for it to be done with out damaging the core as well as the vessel. Then again, They have shown me things lost unto the ages, They've shown me things that are forbidden. the knowledge they give so freely seems to have to no effect upon my karmic Balance. So the question becomes Why give it to me, if it does not put them in a better position to lay calm to my vessel? Perhaps that’s the point, Not to take a vessel of there own, But to find a willing ally in what is to come. But I know it is by there action that it will come. it will be by there actions that the walls will fall and reality its self will become unified. I’ve spent the time looking into the lore, the answers of prophets lost to the ages. I myself have made prophecy and seen the first steps of it fall into place, by my actions. maybe this is the way? maybe this is the fate I ensured By agreeing with him all that time ago... I knew what it was then, Now I’m not so sure. the head strong foolishness of youth, But my innocents then allowed me to see clearly what was to come. Perhaps By some strange line of fate an agreement with them will allow me to see clearly once more? Or perhaps it will merely fate me to something I could prevent. I must find those lost pages, I must find my answers to the questions I knew would come.
hellflame3000 · Sat Nov 11, 2006 @ 12:15am · 1 Comments |