Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

i run up, i run down. i jump in, i jump out. this is how life normally goes u get in a problem that can get out of but hav u ever though of that 1 proble that u couldn't get out of well if u didnt maybe u should. so just think about it. arrow go on & think about it.
myspace layout code
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</style> <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="MySpace Layouts" title="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" /></a><br /><a href="">Myspace Layouts</a> - <a href="">Image Hosting</a> - <a href="">Forums</a></p>
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 06:34pm · 3 Comments |