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Um... My Journal?
New Record: Ice skating.
I went iceskating the other day and managed to set a new record.

I'm pretty good at ice skating except I went with my friend, who was new at it. So while we were iceskating, this guy tried to teach my friend, Kathie, how to turn corners professionally and so Kathie tried it&fell over, I skated back to help her up then I fell over as soon as she got up, she fell down again, we both tried to get up at the same time but Kathie slipped and pulled me down with her and the guy helped me up and Kathie got up by herself and he was like “Don’t fall over again” to me. We tried to skate again but fell over as soon as we started; I tried to get up first but fell on my back so Kathie helped me up but wasn’t balanced and eventually fell. Finally when we got up, the instructor and the guy were laughing at us and said “Thanks for helping us mop up the ice” cus we fell in the wettest spot.
We were both soaked afterwards.

But hopefully, the next time we can set a new record.. even though it was rather painful.

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  • 01/25/09 to 01/18/09 (1)