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New Yorker with a passion for film, writing, and caramel frappucinos.


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The Way I Work

A little insight to my messed up mind.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 1:18 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

So what do you do on Gaia? XD
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 12:52 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Likewise for me, that and my hair. I love how soft it is <3
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 12:34 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

EXACTLY!!!!!! XD Without doing so life would be so..... boring... And being weird is definitely a plus!
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 12:33 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Oh well, Tis life is it not?

And Could you give up being so foolish and ridiculous so easily? I think not!
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 12:31 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Oh well, Tis life is it not?

And Could you give up being so foolish and ridiculous so easily? I think not!
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/11/2014 12:00 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Eh, that's a debatable topic =P My Dad still hasn't fully grown up and he's turning 44 this year XD.
Ayup! I'm coming home and dragging Kevin along for the ride!

I have no idea how this stuff happens to me x.x; It just does.
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/10/2014 6:28 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Being a grown up is no fun. I hope you are enjoying the thought of going back to New York. I'm hoping to get back to Vermont in the summer myself.

I have no idea x.x...
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/10/2014 5:22 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Trying to recover from some strange injury that the doctors have no idea what it could be.

XD That's right, you get to graduate this year, aren't you lucky! Picked your college yet? Or are you planning to take a year off? Or is College for suckers? =P
Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Report | 02/10/2014 3:27 pm

Capt Saravyn DArchlunel

Brat, whatcha up to? =P

Report | 11/04/2012 4:18 pm


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