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youngWitchie-p00's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Gingerbread House in Enchanted Forest

Birthday: 04/20/1961

Occupation: Witch (duh!)

Magical Garments

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What I want.

About me

I'm in my late 40's. Check out my birthdate.
heart my family!
Wind-s0ng: real sister
JoePhycoX: real nephew
LilEmoKitty_lover: real niece
Dances_moonfairy: "sister"
Liriel_the_Dark-Maiden: "sister"
blonde ambition 1612: adopted niece
Zelasko282: BF *kisses*

You hurt my family, I'll put a HORRIBLE evil curse on you!


Posts per Day: 0.01

Total Posts: 49

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Final Fantasy 7 Hotties (male)

This is my list for FF 7 hotties (male). The following is my opinion, yours may vary.


1.) Sephiroth: SERIOUSLY SIZZLING HOT, HOT, HOT! Hottie. (Warning: This hottie comes complete with wicked long sword, desire to destroy the world & truly awesome theme music.)

2.) Vincent Valentine: Dark, mysterious, brooding hottie. Has guns and is NOT afraid to use them!

3.) Cloud Strife: Spike-haired hottie. Still mourns for Aeris.

4.) Zack: Sword-wielding hottie. Too bad he's only in flashbacks.

5.) Reno: So he's a Turk, so what? That red-hair! *sighs* Those green eyes! *swoons* Yup, he's a hottie!

The following are
NOT hotties ~ (Sorry, guys - you're not my type!)

1.) Cait Sith: Not a hottie but a cutie! *hugs, hugs!*

2.) Cid Highwind: Dude, lose the smokes & get a shave!

3.) Rude: Another Turk. cool shades but not a hottie.

4.) Barret Wallace: Not into really muscular men.

5.)Red XIII: A real animal! lol Would scratch him behind the ears but date him? Are you kidding me?

Well, there's my list. If I've left anyone out, I do apologize.


Dream Avis

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A Wicked Witch! rofl (sry, tektek messed up - looks better on avi)
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Me as the Evil Witch Queen!
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Now I'm the Empress of Good Witches!
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This is my Wildcat Shamaness!
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Fantasyland Witch:
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Total Value: 626,532 Gold
After Exclusions: 124,333 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Enchanted Book

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

People I've Enchanted.


View All Comments

Angelo Crossbones Report | 05/26/2010 12:52 am
Angelo Crossbones
HI!!!! it's you're old pal PH8NT0ML0RD!!!!!!!
JoePhycoX Report | 05/31/2009 6:46 pm
<---This weirdo would never hurt you
<---This weirdo is a true friend
<---This weirdo has ur back
<---this weirdo is always their for u

I want you to know that you are amazing, and I love you to death.
If I don't get this back, I understand.
But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 weirdest people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you.
If you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved

give this teddy bear ♥
to every person u care about including me if u care."
Try to collect 10
i ♥ u
Liriel_the_Dark-Maiden Report | 04/20/2009 3:55 pm
Have an enchanted Birthday!!!
Jinx_itLiz Report | 04/20/2009 2:16 pm
JoePhycoX Report | 04/02/2009 12:25 pm
A kennel of wolves? What are you talking about. I can't make much sense of it what-so-ever... You been doing better? Just remember we have scheduled to watch a farting-panda-marble tomarrow! So I'll get a smile on your face even if I have to super glue it on.
Jinx_itLiz Report | 03/27/2009 4:25 pm
Thank You So Much For The Bday Present!!
Angelo Crossbones Report | 03/27/2009 2:58 pm
Angelo Crossbones
same here, WORKING, JAMMING, and no sleeping. we got sum vids tho, and a lot of pics, are Demo's are sum decent.
Angelo Crossbones Report | 03/25/2009 9:23 am
Angelo Crossbones
So what you been up too?
thunder fries Report | 03/05/2009 4:00 pm
thunder fries
nom, nom, nom, nom.
thanks for teh jelybeans, i really enjoyed them, lol:]

hello there long time not talk!
how are you?

Dances_moonfairy Report | 03/04/2009 3:39 pm
Bad kitty? Me? *looks innocent* ~listens intently~ O.O! *dashes off to break-into house* Thankies!

Dropped by for a Spell


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Witchy Woman!

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Gingerbread House

Visit My House

Modern broomstick

Meet-up and Rally

blonde ambition 1612

My sister! ~HUGGLES~

My wacky nephew.

My BF. *kisses*

*Cackle, cackle!*

My lovely adopted niece! *BIG Aunty hugs!*

People give me grief at THEIR expense!

I am NOT a Goddess! But you may worship me anyways. ROFL

My familiar, Chatterbox! (Yes, I know he's cute!)

Me, in real-life! (it's not a good pic.)

The REAL JoePhycoX!

A young Goth witch-in-training! My real niece. Love chu!

My real-life sister, Wind-s0ng. Isn't she pretty?