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Musically Intoxicated

Musically Intoxicated's avatar

Last Login: 08/10/2019 8:31 am

Registered: 02/27/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/17/1994

I'm a showoff ;P

My glorious zomg achievements! >:D

  • Victory![119]
  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Lawn Gnome Mower[123]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Pink Flamingo Hunter[126]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Butcher[141]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Cherry Fluff Victor[149]
  • Cherry Fluff Champion[150]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Taiko Drum Boomer[153]
  • Ghost Lantern Dim[155]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
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Who Am I?

Hello, I'm Musically Intoxicated! I'm a fun-loving -also known as freaky/creative- 15 year old girl who appears to be insane sometimes. Don't mind that, just maintaining a healthy level of insanity. wink


-have a fetish towards red hair, so if you have it, it's best to not show it to me. (strange way to start an introduction, I know)
-am an optimist
-support equal rights, which means I support the LGBT community, women's rights, children's rights, anti-slavery/racism and so on. If there is any other rights, please tell me, 'cause I know I'll be supporting it razz
-happen to be bisexual (unless it's considered normal to have a crush on a girl AND a guy at the same time). Also one of the other reasons why I support the LGBT community so much.
-am an enviromentalist. I freaking LOVE nature. If I see you throwing trash anywhere other than a recycle bin or garbage can, I'll MAKE you pick it up. C:
-am an Atheist. Though I do say 'Oh my God' frequently, I simply think of it as an expression of disbelief/suprise/ultimate weirdness.
-am insane. Just so you remember.


View All Comments

GillaGrrl Report | 10/17/2012 9:06 am
Happy birthday from all of us at the NSTG!
Id Fap That Report | 08/15/2012 6:38 pm
Id Fap That
Sorry for bothering you. I found her.
Id Fap That Report | 08/15/2012 4:52 pm
Id Fap That
Are you Kat?
Mysterioux-Jade Report | 03/24/2012 10:27 pm
thank for visiting my profile hon ^^
uudon Report | 03/23/2012 11:39 pm
I'd love to chat more, but i gotta get to bed, goodnight!
uudon Report | 03/23/2012 11:04 pm
Psh, awsome much. whee
Lady Patootie Report | 03/23/2012 10:03 pm
Lady Patootie
Oh yes. in this thread
And thanks for those compliments >w<
Lady Patootie Report | 03/23/2012 9:46 pm
Lady Patootie
Oh my it's cute! thanks >w<
you posted on my thread right? :3
so.. it means you want an art trade?
uudon Report | 03/23/2012 8:43 pm
oooohh emotion_kirakira your profile and avi are equally beautiful~~
Lady Patootie Report | 03/23/2012 6:38 pm
Lady Patootie
Oh haha. that's weird.. but thanks XD >w<

More about me


-Sugar. I am addicted to it. I frequently get a sugar high because of this. xD
-Animals. I think they are waaaay more pure than the people who slaughter them.
-Eating. I don't eat to live, I LIVE to eat. And I'm suprisingly not overweight.
-MUSIC! It's my life! I love it so much! (which is why it's in this section in the first place) There's always a song for every occassion/mood. And then there's songs that make me wanna get up and dance! It always makes me feel amazing. biggrin
-Attention. No, not that kind of glamorous diva attention or the good-girl-gone-bad attention. I just, well, want some love. (doesn't everyone? I just happen to need a little bit more than normal) I like being noticed. It proves people actually sees me as a person and not The Invisible Woman.
-Television/Computer. I literally -okay figuratively- can't take my eyes of it! I wouldn't be the person I am now without it. And I mean that in a good way. (:


-Giggles. Okay, giggling a little doesn't bother me, but a LOT of giggling annoys the s**t outta me. They are beggining to sound like Elmo! Not my favorite Sesame Street character.
-Cockroaches. They are really creepy. Although they are like, what, 1/11000 the size of me? I'm just scared that they crawl on me and leave me with lots of harmful bacteria that will eventually cause the death of me.
-Math. It is THE hardest subject in the entire universe for me right now. I'm trying to work on that too. ;P


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The Crazy Life Of An Awesome Teen

Really crazy stuff happens in my life. That's what this journal is for; making moments like that last forever :)