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vegghead4life's avatar

Last Login: 04/29/2009 8:04 pm

Registered: 04/22/2008

Gender: Male

Location: San Bernardino

Birthday: 02/07/1993

Occupation: Actor


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im a Huge animal loving veggieterian and my name is Oscar Lobos im currently attending Bloomington high and im apart of our schools musical Suesical ! im also apart of a club called Kayos Kids and we dedicate our time to clean our community and help those less fortunate and give them a voice and our support


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randomness with da fish!!!

Hi everyone my names Oscar and im a theatre kid and i love to act,sing, and dance so im always doing something intresing. i used to love writing poetry but i havent done any thing new in a while so if u read one im still getting back my old muse so b


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Ellis_The_Hat_Guy Report | 04/02/2009 12:02 pm
thank u
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 1:22 am
I might as well go to bed too c;

Night Oscar!
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 1:19 am
That's pretty harsh! Damn xD. Here its just like "well...try your best." lol.
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 1:06 am
Well we have CIM (I have no idea what that means) but its practically useless now. I'm just focusing on my AP exams, ACTs and SATs gonk
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:59 am
Man, yours is late in the year! Most people have already had theirs :B
I'm 17, junior.
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:57 am
Omg! I would be so sorry if I was up this late and had school tomorrow. But that's just me I guess.
My spring break just started. :3
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:52 am
One state above you, in Aloha Oregon :]. What a friendly town name, huh? Alohaaa~

Lol. I'm usually that person that, when there is a sleepover with friends, is the first to fall asleep. I often say I like sleep more than I do being awake :3 At least, 3/4 of the year I do.
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:46 am
Where are you that you can be up and singing at this hour? xD It's like, 1am here.
I'm in bed watching Planet Earth, listening to music, and writing to you. :3 mm ice cream.
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:36 am
Yay flamboyant!
That's like, my favorite thing to call people and be called. What a fun word~

Man, I can't remember. This was a year or two ago, the game was in the works forever xD. I do remember having to come up with ideas for mini games, but I can't remember what ideas I had razz
~[ Jaune Poison]~ Report | 03/23/2009 12:31 am
Yeah I went to a meeting and saw lots of different outlines for the game and everything. It was actually really fun!

Haha, I often start random conversations with people who seem like they would be fun to converse with!


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