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Lemme B Yo Samson

Lemme B Yo Samson's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/01

Talk to me :) I don Bite :)

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Stalkerz <3 O-O

Xx-Taco_Lord-xX on 06/12/2020
Dampyr Boy Django on 09/06/2019

What I'm wearing :D



Im ur average girl 4laugh
First im not going to tell u everything about me..Just so yah know..
My fist name: Amy
Age: 16
I turn years when: May 2 ^-^
Sports: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Tennis, Swimin, Skiing, Snowboarding, Dancing, Singin, Football, and texting( if it is a sport) ^.^
Likes: Making a fool out off myself, Laughing, Havin fun,Best Budiez <3, and Animals<3
Dislikes: Mean ppl, Jerks, Animal Haterz + Abusers,most meat.
Is: Dorki, Fun, Huggable, Kissable, Nerdi, Cute, Easily amused ^.~
Fav Food: Pizza ^.^ i think.. :S OR tacos :3
Loves: Herself, Friends, Animalz, Pretty much everybody!
More info: Nutin that i can think of ^.^
Srry thats all u get to kno! (For now) wink
biggrin Ohh Yah one more thingi:

Status: Single[ x ] Taken[ ]


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WhisperPmkinSnowball Report | 05/01/2012 2:14 pm
happy birthday!!!!! dramallama mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen 4laugh smile biggrin
rena ryuugu001 Report | 05/01/2012 9:56 am
rena ryuugu001
Happy b-day^^
kesha 4 real Report | 09/11/2011 12:58 pm
kesha 4 real
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Pherb_Rockaz Report | 06/04/2011 10:35 am
ok ill try to come on more!! NO I LUV AMILLION TIMES MORE <3
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 06/02/2011 5:24 pm
im on now xD and nuu i luv yuh way more lol
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 05/31/2011 7:15 pm
Lol, 30 days ago but yw bb luv yuh too smile
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 05/01/2011 10:01 am
Happy Birthday Amy! xD Have a good one!
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 04/28/2011 1:00 pm
oh well thats what sports do tu ya lol its gud, hbu?
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 04/26/2011 2:56 pm
^^ why dont you come on anymore?'
Pherb_Rockaz Report | 04/16/2011 7:31 am
lol thnx a lot xD luvz u too
i iNvY KusH
Culo Gif
Choi Gina

i love them there my best friends!!

Shes my best bud!

Samson 1998-2010 i will always love you!

DR Zach...Hes amazin luv him <3 XD

LUV him hes a amazin budday! <3 (Lap dance xD)

Luv u soo much buddy :)

These are my best friends and seems like the only ones who havent ever broken my heart... I luv you guys! <3


My BEst friend since like forevr! Luv u Cam <3

Cousins? No more like sistarz <3 Luv u Kacy <3

Love him soo mucho :) Hes amazin :) Lol Luv u Mexi-boii <3 Great friend ^-^ Were so weird xD