The Ac🅔 of ♣Clubs♣
What a wonderful thought, it is
That some of the best days of
Our Lives haven't happened yet
Multimedia & Comic Artist.
3D Texture Designer and virtual world DJ
Literally Role-player.
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Hullo there BaZil! Here is a fluffagemomento!
so i just may have the wedding inside and not outside.
where i live, usually may-june are months where it rains a lot. so that will be a factor that plays.
but, if its inside, won't be much of an issue.
but waiting until may for a wedding is a long wait. sad
then again, my fiancee needs a surgery since his health isn't too good right now. which next month should happen sometime.
i just hope nothing bad happens to my father since he is almost 75 years old. tho, his health is fine.
i can only take one day at a time and see where it takes me. that's all i can do. and to think on a more postive note too.
cause of some issues and delaying things which i'm not too happy about.
but i really can't do anything about it. planning can be fun if things aren't stressful, that is.
whether you get back to at a quick speed or slow, i'm patient and can appreciate that.
things have been okay for the most part for me, other than been trying to plan a wedding for next year.
and its not going to plan so.. i'll see what happens. smile
Hiiiii!! So sorry I’m not in here much anymore!!!
oh cool, cool~ that's nice :3 and its alright, no worries. i'm always patient for replies.
when its like that i don't go out that much cause of it Dx.
other than that, its also stressful since me and my fiancee are trying to finish up some wedding plans for our wedding in september.
its a last minute wedding and all. if its not perfect.. i hope it turns out okay.
other than trying to find a doctor and get some appointments going. but, social services here been screwing me over.
by giving me doctors who are literally a child doctor and giving me one who does 65+ when they know i'm in my 30's ugh.
so, now i'm waiting for a new card with a new doctor. hopefully, they don't screw me over again.
for hobbies, i tend to listen to music, roleplay sometimes, play video games, watch lets plays on youtube. just the usual i guess xD