Viewing YourEpicSweetHeart's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


I luff uuu <3

You are amazing

and since you are so amazingly awesome, you will:
-Pm me
-Comment me
- Send me random trade requests with random items
- Donate
- Give me flowers
- Give me plushies
- Be my friend <3

A certain "about me" about a specific person

Hullo there =) I have a certain name and I live in a place in this world, in a state, and in a city. I go to a certain school. My best friends have names. I love to do lots of things. I have specific goals in life. People make me happy when they do certain things and make me sad when they do other things. I day dream about specific people all of the time. My life is very unusual and I love you.

Want to know certain things? PM with some specific stuff =)


View All Comments

biggdogvince Report | 08/10/2011 2:00 am
Happy Birthday!
Lilithan Senpai Report | 11/26/2010 1:47 pm
Lilithan Senpai
rishatay8D Report | 10/30/2010 10:50 am
Just thought I'd say you have a nice avatar :]
Beaver_Baron Report | 10/29/2010 11:36 pm
G'night, new friend. good luck at your interview tomorrow. don't forget to wake up on time...=)
Beaver_Baron Report | 10/29/2010 10:50 pm
=D Yay. My secret friend message got through. i'm glad no zombie spies intercepted it. '=o
Khenedi Ellman Report | 10/29/2010 9:27 pm
Khenedi Ellman
good add me?
Khenedi Ellman Report | 10/29/2010 9:23 pm
Khenedi Ellman
Just put something about you on my profile just seems like something you would do lol
Khenedi Ellman Report | 10/29/2010 9:11 pm
Khenedi Ellman
No prob xd
Khenedi Ellman Report | 10/29/2010 9:02 pm
Khenedi Ellman
can you sent the trade
Khenedi Ellman Report | 10/29/2010 9:01 pm
Khenedi Ellman
I'll just sent you some gold and I have no idea my brother just told me to ask you sorry


If my profile..
Made you laugh, made you cry, made you angry
made your day, made you think I have serious issues,
confused you, made you think, made you roll on
the floor laughing hysterically, made you
want to kill your self, scared you, pissed you
off, made you want to kill me, made you want
to kill someone else, is amazingly amazing, made
you think " well aww man I wish I had this
profile" helped a homeless person, made you bake
me cookies... And so on and so forth..

Please donate, pm me at random,
comment, do whateverr

If you wasted some of your life reading that long babble ramble crap, then you have some serious problems. You should know me better than that
Dont fall for stupid traps. See your
doing it again. Stop reading. Dude.
God. I have like control over you.
What If I said I'd give you gold?
Then you'd keep reading.
Well I'm going to give you
You keep reading though..
Send me a pm
A random pm
Tell me how awesome I am
Tell me how much I love you
Be random
Make me laugh hysterically,
K bye

You know, there's this place I know
If your looking for a show, but Im
not sure you want to go. I mean dude,
They have glitter on the floor!
Do you like glitter? Well anyways,
that place is where all of the
freaks come around. They go hard
core man, they go hard core.
People lose their clothes in
the crowd, It's crazy.
This girl even brought
a water bottle full of
jack daniels in her hand bag.
People get drunk and they tip
over trash cans.
You wanna go?
And by the way, I am not the
designated driver so I dont give a f--k.
Get your own damn ride.

So lyke

Oh em gee I totlly dun lyke ppl hoo tlk lyke dis.
Is so annyinnnggg like dudeee rlly? getttt a lyfe
cuz lyke u dun haf oneeee so lyke yeahh srsly
stp bng annying becuzzz lyke rlly is sooo effffin

I'm weird. Get used to it pal


Clap on, clap off,
The clapper!

Did you know that:Khenedi Ellman is the definition of cool?I bet you didn't know that.
You do now =)
Dont hate

Soo you want gold?
Yeah you do.
Your just that selfish.

Follow the directions in my
profile to get gold love =)

Direction numbu uno
You have to work for my
hard earned gold!
Send me a random pm.
Make it so random
That I fall on the ground
hysterically laughing like crazy.

Direction numbre 2
Had enough with the randomness? Well
the random has just begun! Buy me a plushie.
GIFT it to me. [Trades dont count]
DONT make it anonymous, I need to know who
you are. The price doesnt matter, I just
need a plushie.

Dirección número tres
Use a translator to solve this!
And yes I used a translator to put this in
espanol. Kk go hoe.

La aleatoriedad sólo acaba
de empezar! Desea
oro, y sólo lo obtendrá si t
rabajas duro. Tengo
una tienda favorita aquí
en gaia.
El café de Ranunculaceae.
Tengo una tienda
favorita aquí en gaia.
El café de Ranunculaceae.

Regalo me el elemento.

Follow the rest of the directions!

Direction number 4
[last direction]
Pm me once more.
Beg for gold.
You will receive gold
or item. by trade.
All trades will be
canceled the day after.