I'm known as either Rychê, Rychêkun, or something of the sort on the Internet. Most recently, I've become Rykah. I did this because "Rychê" was too mispronounceable (both are pronounced [RAI - kuhh])
I'm not new to Gaia, nor the Internet. I set low goals, as most of them I have already reached, and I'm also really laid-back.
I do NOT tolerate spam. If you send me crap, you're going to get reported. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
I'm great with computers, so if you have questions I may be able to help.
I like oldschool games, such as the N64 and SNES (and the occasional PSX).
I'm rather awesome at Photoshop. I have CS4 (PS v11.0) and I use it -daily-. A good example of my work is the logo at the top of this page, or the background on my YouTube Channel and Twitter feed.
Black, blue and white are my all-time favourite colours. You probably noticed by now though, lol.
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