[[ Kami (Kameiko) / Female/ Leo ]]
Tumblr- gaia_diamond -INSTAGRAM gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright Active since November 2000RIP Gaia Please NOTE: 1. I will only talk if you talk to me first,
don't assume that I don't like you
just because I don't say hi once in a while.
2. I am also not on here much due to real life priorities. gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright --
gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright Other accounts:
Cad BaneSilver the hedgehogShadow the hedgehogMaria RobotnikInuyashaEdward Elric SWR MaulDoctor finitevusOhSans emotion_bigheart ------
<3 ------
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