Viewing MIA M00's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


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[.Arch.Angel.of.Heresy.] Report | 07/31/2009 12:21 am
I checked my Gaia for the first time in two years.
Be proud.
BROOKEBALLSACK Report | 04/21/2009 6:32 pm
******** amazing!
BROOKEBALLSACK Report | 04/17/2009 7:14 pm
lol i'd make sure they were okay
then laugh a little many years later
when i'm out of jail!
i went on the highway for the first time tonight
omg it was amazinggg. and so fast
you never know how fast a car is until yer behind the wheel
BROOKEBALLSACK Report | 04/16/2009 6:49 pm
yes i am hoeeee
and i have my temps :]
i suck at driving
lemonliz20 Report | 02/12/2009 4:40 pm
ohh, well it looked nice!
BENDii STRAW PoLKA Report | 01/21/2009 2:52 pm

D< I will come over there and beat you with Mischy's crutch!! Don't underestimate me.

You're poor little kitty!!

Of course, I would have to say that all living things in that house are neglected in the way of food xD
BENDii STRAW PoLKA Report | 01/21/2009 2:45 pm

D< I will come over there and beat you with Mischy's crutch!! Don't underestimate me.

You're poor little kitty!!

Of course, I would have to say that all living things in that house are neglected in the way of food xD
BENDii STRAW PoLKA Report | 01/21/2009 1:21 pm

00 You horrible demented person!! For a minute there I thought you were smiling!!

(Mwhahahaha!! I love neglecting my kitty! -throws a shoe- >D) <-------- What was going through my mind.

Yeah, profiles fail like that >< Although I wish I had a kitty to ignore =[ Instead they ignore me . . .
BENDii STRAW PoLKA Report | 01/21/2009 1:14 pm

    Wh-wh-wh-wha?!?!?! 0____0;

    Oh, your kitty! x3

    I thought you meant that thing in my dad's bed ;>///>

    I wish I had a little kitty to love me . . . the only thing close runs if you breath too loud and the other will break my legs if he tries to get on my lap.

    You have NO idea how lucky you are xD

BENDii STRAW PoLKA Report | 01/20/2009 3:28 pm

-le gasp-

Oh no!! You know I'm really a giant marshmallow undercover?!!?!?!?!?!

Sorry Mia, but I must kill you now.

-smothers you with my sweet puffy goodness-

This hurts me more than it hurts you D<


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