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MustangDragon - Wardrobe-aholic

MustangDragon's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2009 10:42 am

Registered: 07/04/2006

Gender: Female

Location: 27 Barton 002991


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Over The Rainbow

My back yard

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little me

... Je ne regret rien, rien de rien...

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From the Equestrians of Gaia guild. TY!

Who am I? I'm a 64 year old lesbian living not far from Washington, DC, in the countryside on a farm. I bought my first computer in 1982 - it was a Kaypro, text only no graphics. I've had some kind of PC ever since. I worked for 25 years for the Treasury Dept. as a computer specialist (in mainframes). Before that, I led an adventurous life, travelling throughout the US by working my way as a waitress, clerk, carpenter, race horse groom, veterinary assistant and many other odd jobs. I took an early retirement, and enjoy the farm life, with horses, cats, groundhogs, foxes, deer, a dog, many varieties of birds and the odd tail end of a tornado. I rent the old bunkhouse, restored somewhat, and heat with wood. I am not a ped nor interested in on line personal relationships. I just have fun playing with my avatar, vending and chatting.

Me Pals

Spring Pasture

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Lyviathon Report | 01/04/2015 9:38 am
I didn't know you personally but I recalled us talking a few times and my pal really thought well of you... RIP
NamekWoman Report | 10/13/2014 11:37 pm
I still have artwork I did of you. RIP you beautiful soul.
daydreamer_girl Report | 09/01/2013 10:16 am
I just found this haiku for MustangDragon in one of my old journal entries. Almost brought tears to my eyes.

A galloping horse
through the vast prairies she goes,
proud as dragon
daydreamer_girl Report | 09/16/2012 7:40 pm
I still think about you once and again. I still feel tinges of sadness when I realise you're gone. But I'll never forget the strong and kind person you were when I hung out with you on Gaia. heart
pd2care Report | 11/19/2011 2:16 pm
Taken from this planet too soon. But no longer suffering the pain of the cancer. Happiest of birthdays, my friend. Happiest of day. heart
R8D X Report | 12/31/2009 7:32 pm
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

We all miss you very much.
R8D X Report | 11/13/2009 4:26 pm
Happy Birthday, Mustang.
I hope that your spirit is running wild and free today.
You are very, very missed.
cjfizz Report | 11/13/2009 3:07 pm
will never forget you special thoughts with all your friends today
Vedol Report | 11/08/2009 11:56 am
I'd no idea. : ( We didnt talk a lot, but when we did it was fun. You were a good person and raised a lot of awareness for cancer. heart heart heart heart
horseluvrelisha Report | 11/08/2009 11:16 am
Still thinking about you. You're loved down here. sad

Art by Tentakel

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Art by Daydreamer_Girl

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Ahhhhh slide under The Boardwalk with The Drifters

Ain't Too Proud to Beg

The Temptations deliver a universal smile...

Edith Piaf, the little sparrow

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Bud Clydes Havin Fun

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Lacey One
sahara moon

Stang's Funky Home and Stable

Granny n Granpa watchin you all!

I get the front seat!

I'm keepin my eye on you!

And I'm an eyeful, huh? hehe


Move over Tea!

When we say "jump" - YOU BEST JUMP!

If this nag farts one more time...

We be best friends, yes we do be! doo be doo be doooo

If you need it, it's here. The Cancer Guild.