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    From Twitchy Neko


Twitchy Neko's avatar

Last Login: 03/01/2015 4:55 pm

Registered: 10/25/2006

Gender: Female

Location: umm...utterly lost

Occupation: Traveler

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Mew! <3 hello all my friends to my page, I've come back from the dead as it would seem, hope to make alot more new friends as well. PET MEEEE!!!!

And love me!! and cuddle me!! and give me gifts biggrin XD i try to ift back, but im gaia poor. hahaa


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Kitten's Paws I will write about my life here on Gaia! Yay!

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Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 8:17 pm
Heh, no worries. I've gone up a few levels myself.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 7:51 pm
Considering I die just trying to get across the forest I know I'm not strong enough. I'll head up that way maybe. If not, I'll probably just go to bed. It's been cool talking to you though.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 7:24 pm
I'm trying to help a level three kid through to the bell but I'll be over when I can.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 6:58 pm
It's no trouble. I've lost you guys now so I guess I'll just wander around trying to find you again. It's cool.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 6:36 pm
Hehe I found you. Lol. Yeah, I am still working on beating them. They hate me.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 6:05 pm
Well I'm up to 3.9 now just diddling around. What server are you on and which area are you in? I tried doing Basken and died in like five minutes. Those darn pups keep ganging up on me.
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 5:24 pm
Yeah, it's rather nice though I tend to get frustrated when I die a lot. I'm only like 3.7 so far as level. I haven't played in a while. sweatdrop
Skimbleshankx Report | 09/15/2012 4:53 pm
Heh, I knew actually reading through journals on FA would come in handy some day. Cool to see you play over here too. Personally all I do is roleplay here. Want some company on Zomg?
Teddork Report | 07/07/2009 3:04 pm
Cool. I'm 26. I felt the urge to say that, though I'm not sure why. razz
Teddork Report | 05/30/2009 12:38 am
How long ago did it happen? Aww, poor puppy. She sounds like a sweetheart. Glad you're o.k.


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