Viewing Gaara-kuns only love's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


welcome to Gaara-chan's pro

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i like alot of things...and i also hate alot of things. hopefully...your not one of them. i hate people who think their all that (cuz their not) i hate it when ppl say they love me and dont really mean it (thats really evil).i hate most people. (if your my friend i dont hate you)i hate chain letters, i dont not belive in them so dont you dare send me any damn it!! oh! and i hate nasty pervs that look at hentai all ******** day!! and thats just a few

ok... enough about that. i like some people too. my best friends are *ahem* Night-chan, Shadow-chan,Elrecka-chan,Wrathy-kun, Hamura-chan, Azuma-chan, hampster daisy.
EDIT: i got a new hampster! her name is teddy~ also my friend :3

i'll be your friend only if we talk. i will not be your friend if you randomly try to add me.and if we do not talk i will take you off my list faster than you could say "oops".i alredy have a boyfriend (stay away from him b***hes!!! scream ) i love Gaara (duh) whee~!!! and i love it when Wrathy-kun calls me Gaara-chan~! that always makes me happy. im a loveing person....but if u make me angry my b***h side will come out and kick ur a**! so my advice....dont you dare mess with me! but if your nice i'll be as loveable as a kitty

you will call me Gaara-chan for short if i dont know you. and yes i am a yaoi fan--oh...and just as a fair warning....stay away from Edo-kun or Elrecka-chan will kick ur a** (she alredy kicked mine...owch ),Toushirou Hitsugaya belongs to Himura_Kenji,and Gaara belongs to ME.and remember, love hurts--i know this cuz i'v been through it. thats go away and dont come back

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kukukuk Wrath drew this...>.< this is the truth...
stupid gay sasuke... User Image
User Image Gaian Daikon Brothers
hope ya dont mind wrath... sweatdrop
User Image Angela loves emo boysUser Image
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Imageand fall out boy
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image...its true!! gonk
Angela also loves Bam Magera
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User Image pro skater and a total rocker 3nodding
User Image Bam loves HIM 3nodding

To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world User Image
User Imageyes...yes i am his sex toy...thanks katie!!! your the i have proof!! kyu~! whee
User ImageUser Image very sexy Gaara 3nodding *glomps teh picture* User Image

Envy: 80%

Wrath: 60%

Greed: 20%

Pride: 20%

Sloth: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Lust: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 29%
You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.

i get jealous easely ok!! GO AWAY!!! mad

oh! i also like sonic ^^ shadow is my favorite chara.
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I also have a chao, his name is Night and this is what he looks likeUser Imagehes so cute whee i love him so much <3 hes a Dark fly type chao...eventhough hes better at running o.O...oh well, hes still cute
but for some odd reason...i prefer dark chao more than hero chao. I just sorta fell in love with them after my cousin made me get one a while back...oh well.
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i want a dark chaos chao, but that will take a long...long time! this is what it looks like:
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ish so cute,no? i also want a shadow chao, you could already probably tell why...User Imagei couldnt really find a picture of it in the game, but this is the next best thing 4laugh i really really want one gonk
anyway, i'v been breeding chao ever sense i played 'sonic DX' my first chao looked like this when it transformed:
User Imagei never did name him, but i will never forget him! he got erased from my memory card gonk i almost went crazy!! it was on level 99 on everything accept for power. it ran just like sonic, hand back and everything! i loved it so much! thats why i fell in love with chao whee my chao are always pretty good at everything (cuz i give them lost of loveUser Image)anyway, i really hate it when chao die gonk its always sad! its just like losing a pet that you really loved crying and you know what really sucks? 1 hour is 1 year for a chao, and they only live up to 5 years gonk but, if it dies, the more you reincarnate your chao, the closer it will get to a chaos chao 4laugh

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I hate you

buhahahah!! my panda shall eat you!!!User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

lets see...fav Yu-Gi-Oh char. i say...bakura =D
he be mine!!
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yay for yaoi!!
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fav singer from gorillaz?...2-D
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User Image heart

...this is just an exuse to post random yaoi pictures :3
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Naruto Icons! =P

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Oh Emm Gee!! Gaara icons!! x3
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fav RnB singer?
hmm...tie!! ne-yo and chris brown!!
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Gaara-chan's Journal looky D<



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/22/2009 10:58 pm


-Punchs sasori- Shut up... i will kill you... itachi sent me a link that you put a message here i should kill you now sasori san...

Report | 04/22/2009 10:36 pm


wow you have to be the most retarded person ever... My best friend loves gaara too so back off b***h she loves him more then you... and love it that your a yaoi fan me andmy two friends love yaoi and Hentai though.... and my friend would kick your dumass becuase she is a strong person... and if you mess with me you will surely lose and die in hell... and one more thing everybody loves gaara... idiot...
Mems The Fourth

Report | 03/07/2009 10:00 am

Mems The Fourth

User Image Almost two years you haven't been on User Image

Report | 12/10/2008 11:49 am


ive moved on and no longer love you </3 have a great life tho

thats what you get for not being on ^^

Report | 10/09/2008 3:32 pm


copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 and you will get 100,000 gold it rocks trust me

Report | 06/24/2008 5:36 am


can i hAV some money plz plz

Report | 04/29/2008 6:34 pm


=] hope to see you soon
I am the Night

Report | 01/27/2008 8:56 am

I am the Night

Hello Iguana!!!!!!!!!!! User Image

Report | 01/19/2008 7:58 pm


>.< i miss you *smiles*
I am the Night

Report | 01/09/2008 1:36 pm

I am the Night

love ur video, its so funny


Hug pwease? please post hugs on my profile (aka, comment box)
So far: 11 ;3
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Yes I drew it ;D