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Last Login: 12/16/2018 11:38 am

Registered: 05/22/2007

Gender: Female


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Eh. I'm never really here anymore. Not much to see, say, or do, so I go elsewhere.


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Just Another 'Book'

This is where I should probably put recollections of events that occur during my lifetime. Don't ever expect me to put anything worthwhile here.


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Anderism Report | 01/20/2012 3:28 pm
Hey you! I love you too! <333
drycos Report | 12/28/2010 7:53 am
Happy B-day ....also hope xmas was good to you
Saidibhie Report | 11/11/2010 6:54 am
Scotlaaaaaaaaand heart
I love the accents, lol. I'm an accent who*e.
Aww, that's unfortunate. I go to a state university, so travelling abroad is the same price as a semester at school. It's a pretty awesome setup. If I have time (I'm a biology major, so I Have all those lab sciences...) I might go during my senior year, as my girl will be graduating a year earlier. I'm just apprehensive about going by myself, you know?
PZ Report | 11/09/2010 1:49 pm
Not much!!! xd
Saidibhie Report | 11/09/2010 12:55 pm
Rosetta Stone stuff is like, several hundred dollars on amazon. Not okay with that! I dunno, my dad was born and raised in Ireland, and taught at a rural GAelic speaking school for a while. My grandfather grew up speaking it - English was his second language, may he rest in peace - and tried to teach me when I was little. I didn't care when I was 4, so I didn't bother trying to learn. I guess I'm trying to reclaim my very strong Irish heritage, lol. My college has a setup with a university in Ireland, you can go to a Gaelic speaking town/city (Idr where) for 4 or 8 weeks over the summer, and you take beginner-level Gaelic. You get pretty immersed in the language, since it's a Gaelic-speaking location. I wanna gooooo..... >_<
I love Irish/Gaelic music heart
Saidibhie Report | 11/09/2010 8:29 am
I know! It's a hard language to access in the US, although it seems to be regaining some popularity in Ireland. Maybe that will make it a little more accessible. My parents suggested a Rosetta Stone thing as a graduation present, but they're soo expensive >_<
Why Gaelic? If you don't mind me asking : )
I don't know many people who share my interest in learning the language.
PZ Report | 11/08/2010 6:35 pm
Is your name Paige too? If so your the second other Paige I've met online xd
Saidibhie Report | 11/07/2010 1:37 pm
I hope you're feeling a little better : )
I LOVE YOUR PROFILE OMGOMG LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS (I swear I'm not a creep.) I play(ed) most of the same instruments as you, and my linguistic goal is to learn dad grew up speaking it, he's fairly fluent.
nightwolf714 Report | 10/08/2010 12:37 pm
Hello there. It's been a while. ^_^ How are you?
Splediferous Masochism Report | 09/28/2010 10:26 am
LAWL, your sig. That vid is ridiculous. You ever seen evan's cover where he makes it a jazz song? It's HILARIOUS.


I'm pHantastical.[/size:9a14393050]

19 // F // Smartass

This love could slip right from my fingertips;
nothing else will do.
I don't know how I'll make it here without you.[/size:9a14393050][/align:9a14393050]


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