Viewing SamYams08's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Helllo (:
Im Samanthaaaa R.
16 Young , But Not Stupid <3
Imma Sophomore/Junior In High School.
Im Outgoing.
I HATE People.
Weird Huh ^^ ?
Really Nice.
W/A Temper .
Im Unique.
Get Over It.




well this is sammy i love this website and feel free to talk to me



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Gothic Rebecca

Report | 02/07/2014 12:56 pm

Gothic Rebecca

Happy Birthday...I'm a bit late, I know. But I guess it doesn't really matter since you've been gone for two and a half years. I wish you'd come back. You seemed interesting and sweet.
the d0rk knight

Report | 02/04/2011 3:31 pm

the d0rk knight

Heyyy (:
Doing well
Hope you're doin' great. : D
Miss ya too!
Gothic Rebecca

Report | 01/31/2011 11:12 pm

Gothic Rebecca

I'm please to meet you, as well. You already know my name. XD
Gothic Rebecca

Report | 01/31/2011 5:50 pm

Gothic Rebecca

I do as well. ^^
Gothic Rebecca

Report | 01/29/2011 8:10 pm

Gothic Rebecca

Thank you. I'm curious though; are you referring to my profile, or did you look up some of my forum posts? I'm just trying to get an idea of what it was that caught your interest.
mayor pie

Report | 01/29/2011 5:53 pm

mayor pie

copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!

Report | 10/17/2010 4:07 pm


I can't wait to c u sis ^^
the d0rk knight

Report | 10/10/2010 5:40 pm

the d0rk knight

Thank you, I hope so too..
How are you?
Calm Down Bic Boi

Report | 06/18/2010 6:08 pm

Calm Down Bic Boi

Haha Thaaanks!
I hope your day is swell too! ^_^

Report | 06/15/2010 2:11 pm


thank you. you to :"3


Sammmmmmmm , heart