Hi my name is stephanie..
. I am BI-sexual and if it is an issue with you please do not make a big deal over it i am a respectibal person and i wish to be friends with meny people who will respect and love me for who i am.
I am in a spectacular relationship with a very special boy who just recently joined his user is jaketerminate (cuter in person fer shur)
My birthday is October 12th...
My hobbies include reading manga,watching anime,playing video games, bikeing, swiming, and frisby golf.
If you have any questions or just want to chat send me a PM. I am looking forward to meeting you or just keeping in contact with you.. ^-^
98% of teenagers say "I Love You"
and don't mean it.
if you are one of the 2% that does,
then copy and paste this
in your profile.
I always mean it when I say it.
i dont care what u think but i support the following
poem written by Kaelis Tejil
The young beauty was sent forth from her home,
Tears flowing from her eyes as she her life unravel.
Without her little pup, surely she would be all alone,
And together the pair would always travel,
For they were all that the other had,
They had nothing to their name-
The pup no mate, no girl no lad,
The two are one of the same
Desolate and disowned, they roam endlessly
In search of a better life for the pup and she
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I love gaia cash cards!!!
Good! You!!!
(or something like that....)