“ Do, do you have a first-aid kit handy ” sung my annoying little sister. I wish I did have a first-aid kit; I would shove it down her throat. She is in Pre-K so she doesn’t have any homework. But I do! And I don’t think she should be partying by herself while I’m working. Hang on a sec…
…OK I think I made her shut up. I know that every time I put on my mask, and walk into her room she doesn’t talk for the rest of the day. I don’t remember telling you my name. Hi, my name is Justin, Justin Shock. I was trying to finish my homework until my sister started singing show tunes. OK, I am finished. Now I might take a nap or go visit my friends.
It is a Friday so I might do both. I’m going to start with the nap, see you in 30 minutes…
… OK, now I’m going to see my friends. I’m going to take my pocket journal to write about our time.
We are having so much fun. Me , LaRon , Joshua , and Kobie are riding around on our bikes and talking. I love the fact that Joshua always brings snacks. LaRon always brings joke books. Kobie always brings stuff to set up pranks at our enemy Cory’s house. And I always bring a journal so we can document our adventures. Today LaRon brought his animal jokes book. Joshua brought a bag of some left over grilled shrimp. I brought my blue notebook for super adventures. Kobie made some small mines out of water balloons and paint. We are going to lay them out on Cory’s lawn.
OMG! Cory is now covered with paint. LaRon is halfway through his joke book. We are three quarters done with the shrimp that Joshua brought. And we are seven eighths done with our adventure. What is up with all these fractions? All we have to do is go home and plan what we are going tonight. We all decided that we are going to spend the night over Joshua’s house because his mom makes the best food. Now we all have to persuade our parents to let us go over Joshua’s house because his mom doesn’t mind having us over. We will all talk to each other on the phone and tell our response.
4-way Convo
“So, what’s the deal?”
“My mom said yes and that I can bring any game system I want”
“My mom said the same thing”
“My mom said yes and that I can bring any movie I want”
“Great. LaRon bring every scary movie that you reviewed and loved. Justin bring your Wii. Kobie bring your PS3. See you their”
At Joshua’s house…
I’m going to Joshua’s house. And I’m going to be there for the rest of the weekend. So I’m going to bring my red note book for weekend trips. Along with my pocket journal and my Wii (of course).

- Title: Scream fest
- Artist: thepreppy
- Description: Justin has been having a fun life but all of this about to end. In this book justin goes from happy to mad. from human to vampire and back again.
- Date: 04/07/2009
- Tags: scream fest
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