• TITLE:Shadow Storm prince of shadows and warrior of darkness

    In the darkest part of the forest was a boy he was sitting on a stump he looked exhausted from running. His left arm was bleeding badly so he took off his shirt and ripped it so he could bandage his arm, he also made a sling out of the rest of the shirt. The boy looked about 15 years old he was tall with longish jet black hair. His skin was pale and in his right hand he carried a sword, it had one word engraved in it ‘blade’. The boy got to his feet and looked around him he smelt and herd something coming, his ears and nose never lied to him that was the best thing part of him he had good senses in smell and hearing he just couldn’t see that well. He ran but nearly fell flat on his face doing so. He kept on running he had to keep going if he didn’t he would never make it he had to find his one true love, he had been in the forest for ages training so he could find her it was his mission to find her.
    A cloud of dust rose up in front of him and something was standing there motioning for him to come forward but he did not and at last it said “come forward young shadow storm warrior of darkness and prince of shadows”.
    The boy took one step forward and looked at the person that had spoken to him, the mysterious person looked like a normal earthling but in true fact he was not he was an elf of shadows.
    “What do you want mouse?” young shadow asked “why are you here on earth? How did you know where I was? I never asked you to come for me, so why did you come?”
    “Please sir it is important” mouse complained hurriedly “you must come back even if it is for a little time, I know you are looking for the princess of stars but you must come back to the land of shadows if you do not who knows what will happen there it is already bad.”
    Shadow nodded and walked over to his little friend and they both vanished into thin air.

    Walking in the darkness of shadows, he was used to this because he used to live here but it looked different some how ‘what’s happened here’ he thought little did he know his question was about to be answered.
    “GET ME MY DINNER!!” someone had screamed from the table in the dining room “NOW I’M HUNGRY”.
    Shadow and mouse walked into the palace dining room to see a giant sitting in the chair where shadow used to sit.
    “Argh” shadow said “what are you doing in my seat archer what are you even doing in my land get out you don’t belong here”.
    “Your land?” Archer booms “you left this land, you left and that means you don’t care it is not your land any longer”
    Archer motioned for some guards to come over and take shadow storm to his cell.
    “Hey who’s there” a familiar voice asks shadow “who’s next door in that cell I know someone is there.”
    “Phoenix is that you my dear brother” shadow yells out “its shadow”
    A head pops through the wall to shadows cell and shadow laughs, his brother always knew how to make him laugh even in dull times like this and that silly giant should know that he can’t put a shadow into an ordinary cell.
    The prince and his older half brother slipped out of the cells and walked through the sewers where no one would find them, they would have to stay under cover at least until shadow found his princess then he would be the ruler once more.
    Shadow and phoenix kept to the shadows on the way to the forest no one would dare go into the forest of shadows but these two didn’t care, they weren’t afraid like everyone else.
    Shadow herd and smelt something, whatever it was it smelt terrible, he warned his brother of this who got his sword out. The sword phoenix carried was an ordinary sword with nothing special it wasn’t even engraved like his brothers, but he did name it like his brothers was named ‘blade’, Phoenix named his ‘miku’.
    Phoenix looked behind them and saw something coming for them, he told his brother to keep on running, shadow kept on running.

    Shadow looked behind him, phoenix was gone but there was something it was huge and green like. Shadow ran as fast as he could looking up at the sky but suddenly he tripped over a tree root. The creature caught up to him and picked him up by the neck.

    Suddenly something weird happened shadow had vanished into thin air.
    ‘Huh what on earth’ thought shadow ‘where am I’.
    Shadow looked around he was in the forest, the forest he knew so well. He ran forward careful of where he was running, something came out at him with a sword and as quick as lightning shadow brought up his sword and flicked the other away from him.
    “Help me” cried the thing “hurry up”.
    More things came out at him trying to lop his head of but did not succeed, a few of them lost there heads in the battle and shadow came out victorious.
    “Pathetic” shadow yelled out “you lost to a 15 year old boy nothing but a mere child in my world”.
    No one answered of course because they were either dead or unconscious.
    “I am shadow storm” he continued on yelling “Prince of shadows and warrior of darkness”.
    Shadow ran on, reaching a building which he started to climb with no ropes to hold him but something made him slip, it was goo, shadow goo.
    “So there you are prince” someone said behind him “we found your brother, dead in the swamp the swamp creature had killed him, he told us you vanished though”.
    “What made you look here?” the youngster asked “well”.
    “We knew you would be here” Archer explained “but now you will die just like your brother”.
    Archer picked up a sword and started cutting at shadow who kept on dogging, his bad arm to his side and his sword arm holding the sword kept on deflecting archers sword finally making archer stop and fall that’s when shadow stuck his sword into archers chest killing him. All of the shadow people were free from the giants control and they bowed down at shadow who conjured a rose out of thin air and started climbing the tower once more.
    He reached his princess who was waiting for him, he gave her the rose and said “rose’s are red violets are blue here’s a rose from me to you I swear it’s true, but if my heart breaks the rose will be gone from my mind waiting for me to find once again”.
    The princess who was known as Princess Ann ran over to shadow and hugged him. All the shadow people ‘elves’ disappeared as well as Shadow Storm Prince of shadows and warrior of darkness and his one true love Princess Ann of stars. They left the earth in peace once more never to return.