Black Butterfly: Black Water
We arrived at the school. Jack holding me like a tired child. I didn't wish this to happen. I wanted to sleep it all away. "I just wish Charlie would leave me alone." He didn't answer. I held closer to him. Ever since I was turned, my life has been okay. But why did Charlie ruin it now? I did nothing to piss him off. But he pissed Jack off. In five days this can go away, I thought. We got into our chambers. "I believe you now. I could somehow sense a faint presence." I looked at Jack. I smiled at him when he turned around. The walls were sound proof, no one can evesdrop on our conversation. He pulled off his shirt to reveal his amazing body. He was gorgeous for an undead boyfriend. His blonde hair in that slick ponytail. I stood up in my Demonia three-inch combats. He moved closer as if her were more of a ghost than a vampire hot-stuff. He grabbed the lace from my corsets. "I love you." The whisper sounded like I was in another world. But Jack was my other world. I loved him so much before he turned me into a creature of the night. "I love you too." He leans in for a long kiss as he pulls the lace out of the holes. I pull off my combat boots and he lifts me up into the coffin. He pulls off his pants but leaves his boxers on and I shake off my skirt and leave my underwear on. He lays on top of me. I could feel his fangs on my neck, my face turns red. It feels so good, I thought, don't let me forget this. He kisses down from my shoulders onto my breasts. His tongue licks my nipples and I let out a sigh. I pull on his body and I kiss his neck. My fangs scraping his skin. I hear Jack moan with pleasure. He pulls me closer and rubs his fingers back and forth on my spine like m nana did when I couldn't go to sleep as little girl. He lets down my hair and places my head on the duvet. I hold onto him as we go faster and faster. I laugh at times when he was silly. He closes the lid of our ebony casket. A sly smile appears on both of our faces. "Wanna have a lot of fun?" He makes a remark and licks my belly button for a yes. He rolls over and I'm on top his time. I slowly place my fangs around his neck. His blood was screaming and I was dying to taste it. In one bite, I relaxed and moaned at the taste of this sweet liquid. We locked eyes as I pulled away. I was craddled in his arms until the sun came up and we pulled the covers over our half-naked bodies. I was nestled in the ams of the only vampire I wanted to be with for an eternity of a lifetime, Jack.
Black Butterfly: Black Water
Its like chapter two of the black butterfly project.
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