Figuratives: A Short Rant
tab Too many times I have wondered of what would really happen if it rained cats and dogs. If society wasn't plagued with such nonsensical and a-bit-too-imaginative phrases like this one, I wouldn't have to sit down and write about what is clogging up my mind. My guess is that if it did rain cats and dogs, we would have a spiking suicide rate from Animal Rights activists. Flash floods would be far more traumatic, for instead of being washed away by a soupy mixture of rain and mud, you would be caught in the middle of a giant brawl between feral felines and dogs. Let's just never say this one again and move on, shall we?
tab Why on earth would anyone shoot fish in a barrel? It doesn't make any sense; you have already enslaved the fish, why must you torture them? Have you ever EATEN an fish? It tastes WONDERFUL! Why would you ruin the meat of the fish? As a matter of fact, I bet shooting fish in a barrel isn't as easy as it may seem to most, a much more obvious choice to people should be "stealing candy from a baby."
tab The third and final figurative that I want to demote in this writing of mine is the expression "in a nutshell." Before I start ranting, however, I would like to state that I do in fact know that it is a figure of speech, so please, don't get mad at me for this one. This one is all for a few laughs.
tab To say something is in a nutshell to me is to imply that you have minimized something down to a hypothetical space of a cubic inch. Despite the obvious problems, this could have it's uses.
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Figuratives: A Short Rant
ghost ROM
Why, oh why, do we say these things? They only make us pause in the middle of conversations. Next time, SAY SOMETHING THAT CAN BE PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD WITHOUT INFERENCE!
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